ABC to edit Pathway to 9/11

Wow . . . I think I see what the Clinton people were a little sideways about. Bill Clinton just got portrayed as completely disconnected on the issue despite the intelligence and wanting no accountability while Sandy Berger was portrayed as a completely ball-less political hack.

I can't imagine they are going to be any nicer to the Bush administration. This thing is taking no prisoners in Washington.
I wonder why they didnt cover the USS Cole attack. Maybe it will be covered tommorow night. There really are a bunch of big name actors in this thing
Wow . . . I think I see what the Clinton people were a little sideways about. Bill Clinton just got portrayed as completely disconnected on the issue despite the intelligence and wanting no accountability while Sandy Berger was portrayed as a completely ball-less political hack.

I can't imagine they are going to be any nicer to the Bush administration. This thing is taking no prisoners in Washington.

I flipped over to watch just a little bit during the halftime of the Colts / Giants game just in time to hear the line from the Arab guy.."Aren't there any real men left in Washington?"....

I rolled my eyes and went back to the halftime show.
did anybody watch it?

i couldnt stop. i kept flipping back n forth between it and the manning bowl. it was very interesting.

"does washington have any men left or are they all cowards"
did anybody watch it?

i couldnt stop. i kept flipping back n forth between it and the manning bowl. it was very interesting.

"does washington have any men left or are they all cowards"

Yeah, that was it. I guess some words got filtered due my eyes rolling at an abnormal rate.
There really are a bunch of big name actors in this thing

You're joking right? If you think people such as Donnie Wahlberg are big name actors, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

About the only one worth mentioning is Harvey Keitel, but not really.
Great Movie

Regardless how partisan you are.

KeyWord is MOVIE.

I laugh my ass off at the Dems and Libs and whoever else gets so torn up about a MOVIE. Where were these same people when Michael Moore put out his "movie". Oh, that's right, they were on the red carpet watching it.

It is also completely obvious where ABC has edited parts out. I have a feeling ABC has done that just to make a point. Although it does show the Clinton admin as very light on terrorism (which people already knew,) it also shows the FBI and CIA doing some great things to disrupt terror plots during that time. What I think the movie does the best in is showing that our enemy is our enemy and they want to kill us no matter what our foreign policy is.
In their minds, it is a true holy war...that's why you see them "offering" the US a chance to convert to Islam. If we convert to Islam, then it's hands off. The other option is to pay some sort of tax to Islam. Since none of these are going to happen, we will be at war until the Apocolypse.
What I think the movie does the best in is showing that our enemy is our enemy and they want to kill us no matter what our foreign policy is.

I agree with that statement. If this movie does anything positive, I think it serves up this idea in a manner that this fast food culture can digest. More Americans do need to grasp the concept stated above.
In their minds, it is a true holy war...that's why you see them "offering" the US a chance to convert to Islam. If we convert to Islam, then it's hands off. The other option is to pay some sort of tax to Islam. Since none of these are going to happen, we will be at war until the Apocolypse.
And the Apocolypse is when, again???
You're joking right? If you think people such as Donnie Wahlberg are big name actors, I've got some ocean front property in Arizona that I'd like to sell you.

About the only one worth mentioning is Harvey Keitel, but not really.

Well, I guess you don't consider the dad from 'The Wonder Years' a big star.
I flipped over to watch just a little bit during the halftime of the Colts / Giants game just in time to hear the line from the Arab guy.."Aren't there any real men left in Washington?"....

I rolled my eyes and went back to the halftime show.

I think if you had seen that in the context of the movie, you would have understood that it was really more a shot at red tape in general. Do you really doubt that the guys on the ground didn't have that mentality? From what I've read/seen/heard, that was a pretty accurate assessment of the infighting that was going on between the CIA/NSC/FBI/White House. I understand Clinton supporters being a little uneasy, but some seem to want to pretend that the terrorism problem didn't actually begin until the moment when George W. Bush was sworn into office.

I do think they were a little unfair in their portrayal of Madeline Albright. I disagree with a lot of her stances, but the implication seemed to be that the State Department dropped the ball by alerting Pakistan that we were firing missiles at Bin Laden. In retrospect though, there is no way we can go around the world lobbing missiles into another sovereign country without notifying them.

Chronologically, Bush is about to take office, so I'm sure there will be shots taken at him tonight as well.
From what I've read, Gen. Ralston was in Pakistan and notified his counterpart at the time those missiles were launched. You can argue when this was taking place in the whole process. But if this was the reason Bin Laden got away, you have to question why we are relying so much on the Pakistani military and intelligence service when they might have funneled this info over to Bin Laden to begin with.

I'm not sure how Albright was tied into this scene since it was a General who passed the info along. With that, I can see why we would let that be known. Do we really want a nuclear war breaking out because of our attack?
I think the biggest fallout from the Clinton Administration is that, as I have read the situation, after the retaliation from the Taliban against the Northern Alliance, they have been much less willing to stick their necks out to help us track OBL.
I watched it.

I liked the first part a little better because it showed more of what led up to the attacks. Still, very interesting and frustrating.

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