Abortion: Help/Clinics

I also have no problem with giving as much info as possible. The problem I have with this situation is this; these girls already know that the fetus they are carrying, if carried to term, will be a baby. Most of them also know that the fetus has a heartbeat. Showing them the heartbeat on moniter is not giving them new information, it is nothing more than laying these young girls on a guilt trip, and that, imo, is wrong.

I think it just shows them the gravity of their decision. Obviously they didn't think about it before had. Abortion is becoming a cop-out for personal responsibility. Free will is a bitch huh? God forbid a birth control get in the way of a good time. The total lack of sex ed in our time is astounding. Maybe they should show them the video OWB mentioned earlier in schools. It might change their habits before abortion becomes an option.
I think it just shows them the gravity of their decision. Obviously they didn't think about it before had. Abortion is becoming a cop-out for personal responsibility. Free will is a bitch huh? God forbid a birth control get in the way of a good time. The total lack of sex ed in our time is astounding. Maybe they should show them the video OWB mentioned earlier in schools. It might change their habits before abortion becomes an option.
I agree that it is much better to prevent unwanted pregnancies, but they do still happen. I still think it is a personal decision.
My wifes cousin was pregnant. She was 36 weeks along around twenty two weeks she was informed that she would be having twins. What a blessing! A couple weeks later she finds out that one of the babies had died. but the other "child " would be OK. A few weeks later, she finds out through these ultra high tech 3-D and 4-D ultra sounds and from the adivce of her "high-Risk" pregnancy doctor that the remaining child would be unviable and probably live more than a few hours. The childs bowels were not forming correctly and she would never be able to digest food. Well her water broke yesterday. she delievered both children. There was morning for the child that passed away. Next she was preparing herself for a long hard drawn out fight for her remaining baby. lo and behold, "Issobella" the remaining baby is completly heathly, not a single defect. Just think, a self centered, pro-choice, female would have aborted this little miracle. Imagine how many HEALTHY "children have had their brains sucked out because the doc said this baby may not be "what you want".
My wifes cousin was pregnant. She was 36 weeks along around twenty two weeks she was informed that she would be having twins. What a blessing! A couple weeks later she finds out that one of the babies had died. but the other "child " would be OK. A few weeks later, she finds out through these ultra high tech 3-D and 4-D ultra sounds and from the adivce of her "high-Risk" pregnancy doctor that the remaining child would be unviable and probably live more than a few hours. The childs bowels were not forming correctly and she would never be able to digest food. Well her water broke yesterday. she delievered both children. There was morning for the child that passed away. Next she was preparing herself for a long hard drawn out fight for her remaining baby. lo and behold, "Issobella" the remaining baby is completly heathly, not a single defect. Just think, a self centered, pro-choice, female would have aborted this little miracle. Imagine how many HEALTHY "children have had their brains sucked out because the doc said this baby may not be "what you want".

Thank you for sharing that!!! I totally agree with you there. That is wonderful about Issobella!!
I tried to explain it further a couple of posts up.

There's nothing wrong with it, it's just kind of unnecessary tactic to curb the decision. IMO, the doctor doesn't know what kind of background the girl comes from, who the father of the baby is, if she'll be able to afford the baby etc etc..

That's why thre are infertile couples waiting to adopt.
Here they drop out of 4th grade...of course they're 15 or 16 at the time:w00t:

They don't get to go to middle school till they learn to swallow. By that time, it's time to get a job standing up.
I also have no problem with giving as much info as possible. The problem I have with this situation is this; these girls already know that the fetus they are carrying, if carried to term, will be a baby. Most of them also know that the fetus has a heartbeat. Showing them the heartbeat on moniter is not giving them new information, it is nothing more than laying these young girls on a guilt trip, and that, imo, is wrong.

If they think they are "mature" enough at a young age to be spreading their legs unknowledgeable of the fact that they are being used and could get pregnant, then they need all the info they can get before making that dcision one way or the other. They weren't mature enough to protect, or respect, themselves. What makes them mature enough to handle this decision w/o any and all info.?

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