I want to expand on what Wafflestomper is saying because it is 1) terribly dishonest and 2) setting the stage to undermine anything he has to say.
First, it would be better said that objective truths aren't established period. They just are. If a truth could be established, then it could likewise be disestablished. It's like saying the earth wasn't orbiting the sun UNTIL we established it.
Earlier in the discussion he was arguing about what is KNOWN about conception. My reference to consensus was not an argument on how truth is established, but the fact that he is debating with the wrong people. His case would then be against scientific discovery and conclusions on the the subject. I've explained this, yet he is still dishonestly trying to accuse me of ad-populum. I'm guessing, despite this further explanation and clear statement that
consensus DOES NOT establish truth, he will continue to beat this horse. Anyone want to take bets?
The issue here is that the person who is poorly trained in logic will incorrectly recognize fallacies. I'll give you two sentences and show you exactly what I'm talking about.
-The scientific community agrees that the earth orbits the sun.
-The majority of scientist are atheists therefore theism is false.
Can you figure out which one is an ad populum fallacy?
The first statement is not an attempt to establish truth, but to communicate views based on scientific facts in objective reality. It's not a philosophical claim that fails to connect the facts and observations to the agreement or consensus.
The second statement fails in this regard and is therefore an ad-populum fallacy.
Here are just few biological definitions of conception.
Biologically, conception is the moment when a sperm cell from a male breaches the ovum, or egg, from a female. The process is also known as fertilization and is the initial stage of development for human growth.
Princeton: "Human development begins after the union of male and female gametes or germ cells during a process known as fertilization (conception).
What WS has resorted to is not an argument on the facts, but a weak and ridiculous philosophical argument on epistemology. He references 'definitions' and is attempting to muddy the water by saying definitions are just agreement, as opposed to also being a method of identifying and describing objective truth. Much like in math, we have numbers. I can type the token "4" and you know what it represents. The symbol we use isn't objective truth, but an assigned token, which corresponds to something in objective reality. In this case it could be 4 Superbowl tickets (just so you understand that I'm not making a Platonian argument that numbers themselves exist).
The problem, which WS apparently fails to see, is he is on a path to undermine any knowledge or our ability to know anything is objectively so. And since this is where he is heading, he has NO reason to disagree, since his own opinion and observation is also subject to this view. It's a self-defeating position. Untenable.
So, if you 'liked' his post, you really show yourself to be most confused and desperate. You would have NO REASON to agree or disagree with anything. My position would be just another position, no better, worse, true, false, than someone who supported abortion or even infanticide.