
All they are concerned with was if IT was born alive! That says it all, a society that will not protect the most innocent of all humans....our babies.....inside the body or out....what difference does it make......none, other than the law. Why are people so blind? So we can have sex without accountability?
Part of the article for those who won't bother to read it.

02/05/09 02:15 PM
Fla. doctor investigated in badly botched abortion
Associated Press Writer

Eighteen and pregnant, Sycloria Williams went to an abortion clinic outside Miami and paid $1,200 for Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique to terminate her 23-week pregnancy.

Three days later, she sat in a reclining chair, medicated to dilate her cervix and otherwise get her ready for the procedure.

Only Renelique didn't arrive in time. According to Williams and the Florida Department of Health, she went into labor and delivered a live baby girl.

What Williams and the Health Department say happened next has shocked people on both sides of the abortion debate: One of the clinic's owners, who has no medical license, cut the infant's umbilical cord. Williams says the woman placed the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.
Police recovered the decomposing remains in a cardboard box a week later after getting anonymous tips.

"I don't care what your politics are, what your morals are, this should not be happening in our community," said Tom Pennekamp, a Miami attorney representing Williams in her lawsuit against Renelique (ren-uh-LEEK') and the clinic owners.

The state Board of Medicine is to hear Renelique's case in Tampa on Friday and determine whether to strip his license. The state attorney's homicide division is investigating, though no charges have been filed. Terry Chavez, a spokeswoman with the Miami-Dade County State Attorney's Office, said this week that prosecutors were nearing a decision.

Renelique's attorney, Joseph Harrison, called the allegations at best "misguided and incomplete" in an e-mail to The Associated Press. He didn't provide details.

The case has riled the anti-abortion community, which contends the clinic's actions constitute murder.

"The baby was just treated as a piece of garbage," said Tom Brejcha, president of The Thomas More Society, a law firm that is also representing Williams. "People all over the country are just aghast."

Even those who support abortion rights are concerned about the allegations.

"It really disturbed me," said Joanne Sterner, president of the Broward County chapter of the National Organization for Women, after reviewing the administrative complaint against Renelique. "I know that there are clinics out there like this. And I hope that we can keep (women) from going to these types of clinics."

According to state records, Renelique received his medical training at the State University of Haiti. In 1991, he completed a four-year residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Interfaith Medical Center in New York.

New York records show that Renelique has made at least five medical malpractice payments in the past decade, the circumstances of which were not detailed in the filings.

Several attempts to reach Renelique were unsuccessful. Some of his office numbers were disconnected, no home number could be found and he did not return messages left with his attorney.

Williams struggled with the decision to have an abortion, Pennekamp said. She declined an interview request made through him.

She concluded she didn't have the resources or maturity to raise a child, he said, and went to the Miramar Women's Center on July 17, 2006. Sonograms indicated she was 23 weeks pregnant, according to the Department of Health. She met Renelique at a second clinic two days later.

Renelique gave Williams laminaria, a drug that dilates the cervix, and prescribed three other medications, according to the administrative complaint filed by the Health Department. She was told to go to yet another clinic, A Gyn Diagnostic Center in Hialeah, where the procedure would be performed the next day, on July 20, 2006.

Williams arrived in the morning and was given more medication.

The Department of Health account continues as follows: Just before noon she began to feel ill. The clinic contacted Renelique. Two hours later, he still hadn't shown up. Williams went into labor and delivered the baby.

"She came face to face with a human being," Pennekamp said. "And that changed everything."

The complaint says one of the clinic owners, Belkis Gonzalez came in and cut the umbilical cord with scissors, then placed the baby in a plastic bag, and the bag in a trash can.

Williams' lawsuit offers a cruder account: She says Gonzalez knocked the baby off the recliner chair where she had given birth, onto the floor. The baby's umbilical cord was not clamped, allowing her to bleed out. Gonzalez scooped the baby, placenta and afterbirth into a red plastic biohazard bag and threw it out.

No working telephone number could be found for Gonzalez, and an attorney who has represented the clinic in the past did not return a message.

At 23 weeks, an otherwise healthy fetus would have a slim but legitimate chance of survival. Quadruplets born at 23 weeks last year at The Nebraska Medical Center survived.

An autopsy determined Williams' baby - she named her Shanice - had filled her lungs with air, meaning she had been born alive, according to the Department of Health. The cause of death was listed as extreme prematurity.

The Department of Health believes Renelique committed malpractice by failing to ensure that licensed personnel would be present when Williams was there, among other missteps.

The department wants the Board of Medicine, a separate agency, to permanently revoke Renelique's license, among other penalties. His license is currently restricted, permitting him to only perform abortions when another licensed physician is present and can review his medical records.

Should prosecutors file murder charges, they'd have to prove the baby was born alive, said Robert Batey, a professor of criminal law at Stetson University College of Law in Gulfport. The defense might contend that the child would have died anyway, but most courts would not allow that argument, he said.

"Hastening the death of an individual who is terminally ill is still considered causing the death of that individual," Batey said. "And I think a court would rule similarly in this type of case."
The thing that gets me about all of this is the part in the article talking about her decision. Now, I don't know if this is the liberal in the media trying to justify the procedure overall, despite this instance, or if this was something that came out from the girl while being interviewed. But, that's fine and responsible that someone comes to the decision that "hey i'm not mature enough to raise a child, nor am I financially viable" but I really wonder if she was presented with the option to give it up for adoption? I mean really... is that such an unreasonable thing to desire is that before a woman "chooses" that she be given ALL options, and I just have my high doubts that ever happens. I dunno reading that article made me sick to my stomach... is a political cause that important that you can seriously look at baby (with arms and legs) and be that brutal? Really?
Ya, I wasn't trying to spawn the age old Pro - Life vs Pro - Choice debate. I just found it somewhat odd they had the parenthetical about her rational behind the abortion, and that I got a "hey it's still ok!" vibe that this was just some evil doctor.

I mean to further clarify... that was one of the huge black eyes on Obama, is that he voted to make the kind of stuff that happened in this article totally legal while in the state senate of Illinois. So, my guess is that this is probably more common than we want to admit. And, I found the NOW statements to be a bit "throw this clinic under the bus", because if this story really reverberates across the nation their image is going to be tarnished. To me it seams that they are clearly in damage control mode over this for the cause.
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Gianna Jessen's story is very moving. She speaks out against the practice of leaving abortion survivors in trash rooms to die...


“Can you imagine not giving babies their basic human rights, no matter how they entered our world? My name is Gianna Jessen, born 31 years ago after a failed abortion. I’m a survivor, as are many others…but if Barack Obama had his way, I wouldn’t be here. Four times, Barack Obama voted to oppose a law to protect babies left to die after a failed abortion. Senator Obama, please support born alive infant protections. I’m living proof these babies have a right to live.”

HumanEvents Link
Obama More Pro-Choice Than NARAL

Sen. Barack Obama (D.-Ill.) portrays himself as a thoughtful Democrat who carefully considers both sides of controversial issues, but his radical stance on abortion puts him further left on that issue than even NARAL Pro-Choice America.

In 2002, as an Illinois legislator, Obama voted against the Induced Infant Liability Act, which would have protected babies that survived late-term abortions. That same year a similar federal law, the Born Alive Infant Protection Act, was signed by President Bush. Only 15 members of the U.S. House opposed it, and it passed the Senate unanimously on a voice vote.

Both the Illinois and the federal bill sought equal treatment for babies who survived premature inducement for the purpose of abortion and wanted babies who were born prematurely and given live-saving medical attention.

When the federal bill was being debated, NARAL Pro-Choice America released a statement that said, “Consistent with our position last year, NARAL does not oppose passage of the Born Alive Infants Protection Act ... floor debate served to clarify the bill’s intent and assure us that it is not targeted at Roe v. Wade or a woman’s right to choose.”

But Obama voted against this bill in the Illinois senate and killed it in committee. Twice, the Induced Infant Liability Act came up in the Judiciary Committee on which he served. At its first reading he voted “present.” At the second he voted “no.”

The bill was then referred to the senate’s Health and Human Services Committee, which Obama chaired after the Illinois Senate went Democratic in 2003. As chairman, he never called the bill up for a vote.

Jill Stanek, a registered delivery-ward nurse who was the prime mover behind the legislation after she witnessed aborted babies’ being born alive and left to die, testified twice before Obama in support of the Induced Infant Liability Act bills. She also testified before the U.S. Congress in support of the Born Alive Infant Protection Act.

Stanek told me her testimony “did not faze” Obama.

In the second hearing, Stanek said, “I brought pictures in and presented them to the committee of very premature babies from my neonatal resuscitation book from the American Pediatric Association, trying to show them unwanted babies were being cast aside. Babies the same age were being treated if they were wanted!”

“And those pictures didn’t faze him [Obama] at all,” she said.

At the end of the hearing, according to the official records of the Illinois State senate, Obama thanked Stanek for being “very clear and forthright,” but said his concern was that Stanek had suggested “doctors really don’t care about children who are being born with a reasonable prospect of life because they are so locked into their pro-abortion views that they would watch an infant that is viable die.” He told her, “That may be your assessment, and I don’t see any evidence of that. What we are doing here is to create one more burden on a woman and I can’t support that.”

If that article doesn't fill you with rage, there is something wrong with you.
I wish this would get enough press for some journalistic coverage of WHAT ACTUALLY goes on. It's kept in the dark because a lot of people don't want to know and don't want to face the reality. Furthermore, most who do know the truth....don't want to tell it or show it. WHY? That is the real question isn't it. WHY do so many not care about it? When you see Jason kill horny teenagers in Friday the 13th movies, isn't that actually more just than to kill the innocent before they have a chance? It is wrong, it has always been wrong , and it will always be wrong....it really is that simple. We have become the Nazi's, we don't care as long as it doesn't affect us. So they are killing the Jews out of sight in those camps, it's government doing what is best for the country. Where is our Eisenhower to make the citizens go and see the true reality so it can't be overlooked?
I wish this would get enough press for some journalistic coverage of WHAT ACTUALLY goes on. It's kept in the dark because a lot of people don't want to know and don't want to face the reality. Furthermore, most who do know the truth....don't want to tell it or show it. WHY? That is the real question isn't it. WHY do so many not care about it? When you see Jason kill horny teenagers in Friday the 13th movies, isn't that actually more just than to kill the innocent before they have a chance? It is wrong, it has always been wrong , and it will always be wrong....it really is that simple. We have become the Nazi's, we don't care as long as it doesn't affect us. So they are killing the Jews out of sight in those camps, it's government doing what is best for the country. Where is our Eisenhower to make the citizens go and see the true reality so it can't be overlooked?

The reason for this is with this issue and all other issues the Progressives want through, they have their propaganda machine they spent nearly a century building running extremely well at this point. It has done an excellent job of desensitizing the public, and really providing this false sense of acceptance through the entertainment media especially but even in the halls of our universities and education system as well.
There is something terribly wrong with a theology/philosophy that would grant equal rights to animals and deny any legal rights to human fetuses and to born alive abortion attempts, along with partial birth abortions.

Something terribly, terribly wrong, and with any society that allows such morally corrupt policies.

Especially when we have an example of just that happening while we still have holocaust survivors still living!!

We already have gone against centuries of accepted law that made any crime against an animal a misdemeanor and now have felony animal rights laws.

Someone should be charged with murder in this case, maybe that would be a start on getting things changed.

Would anyone like to see a video of a partial birth abortion??

If that isn't murder then there is no such thing as murder.

National right to life home site.
Partial-Birth Abortion Illustrations

Didn't thank so.
Clinical description of methods of abortion.

Dr. Alveda King, niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., on abortion.

Alan Keyes: “I reject the concept of race”


Barak Obama is black like me only in the sense that we both have dark skin- I.e., a purely physical characteristic. To expect me to identify with him on that basis would require that I validate the concept of race ( i.e., grouping people based on physical characteristics). I have written and said over the years that I reject this concept, and that the only way to overcome racism is to reject the concept of race.

Because human beings are not stones, but persons, our communities are not the result of merely physical characteristics. The very idea of race in this sense is a modern lie tied to the dogma of evolution. I believe that human communities reflect the moral nature of our humanity. They are formed therefore by adherence to common moral principles, as that adherence is developed and reflected in the course of shared historical experience.

Understood in this proper sense, Obama and I are not part of the same ethnic group. My heritage includes the experience of slavery, the moral sensibility to injustice and to the importance of respecting the premises of human dignity and freedom. Obama looks back to a heritage that probably includes forbears who were part of the Afro-Islamic groups of Africans who were active in the slave trade.

By itself that might be of only superficial importance, but his views on the fundamental moral issues of the day (like the taking of innocent human life) mean that he rejects the premise of God-given moral equality for all men that I hold to be the true soul of the black American identity.

The notion that I should take special pride in the election of such a man simply because of his skin color implies that I put the false and humanly contrived category of race above the category of common moral principle that is the true basis for human community. I do not and never will.

The tragic irony is that people whose feelings and reactions are shaped by racial solidarity implicitly validate the concepts that were the basis for racist views and discrimination. They implicitly reject the hope that Martin Luther King expressed that someday people would be judged for the content of their character not the color of their skins.

As they do so, they destroy the moral substance that is the true and righteous legacy of the black American heritage in order to revel in the triumph of the very racism that was used to justify the enslavement of my ancestors. This is a desperately sad self-contradiction. I will be no part of it.

This quiet validation of the premise of racism is far from being a good thing . It betrays the suffering and nobility of all those black Americans who fought for justice not only for themselves, but for all, by appealing to the truth of the ideals stated in the Declaration of Independence. This betrayal tips the scales of history back in the direction of regimes based on inequality, elitism and oppressive abuses of power.

I have by the way made these points many times, starting with the Senate race in Illinois.

I am totally against abortion. There is no choice IMO. The choice was made when God allowed the pregnancy. I do reserve judgment though because the ultimate judgment will be when these monsters stand and look God face to face on their judgment day. Then and only then will they pay for destroying his most precious of gifts to the human race.
Abortions for some, miniature American flags for others.

Late term abortions are terrible. I don't think you should ban abortions all out, but there should be a cutoff in the pregnancy cycle.
Is the global honeymoon over so soon???


Dr. Stephen Karanja, a consultant obstetrician and gynaecologist from Nairobi

“We in Kenya know him (Obama) as a person who is anti-family,” Dr. Karanja said. “A person who would support abortion. In America they can do all right killing their babies. But they must not associate us with the people who would want our babies to be killed.”

Dr. Karanja expressed his frustration at the result of the US election: “They have no business electing a person who is going to destroy our countries. And that is what they have done. This is something that a lot of people don’t realize, that what these Americans do affects innocent people thousands and thousands of miles away.”

“The truth is that they have put a bad man in the most powerful office in the whole world. And are putting people outside your borders in danger.”

Africa, he said, has been “saturated” with contraceptives by US-based international aid organisations, pushing an anti-child, anti-family ideology. The anti-family efforts of many international aid organizations, however, were frustrated by the Bush administration, which severely restricted overseas funding for contraceptives and abortion. The election of Obama, on the other hand, has been hailed as a victory for many such organizations, such as International Planned Parenthood, which expect a massive influx of funding and support from an Obama administration.

90 per cent of those in Kenya polled over the last twenty years, said Dr. Karanja, hold abortion to be an “abomination.” “And therefore the people who want abortion in our country, 90 per cent of them would consider them an abomination.

“And that is what Americans are bringing to us: an abomination.”

“There is something in Africa we have that they should come and learn,” he continued. “Something called ‘respecting the family’ respecting the elders, respecting the children, hoping for the best, and not being ruled. And people from the west have a problem with this.”

And this administration of Obama, is going to be a nightmare for our people.”
Good info GS

TRUTH....what a fresh concept!

Speaking of concept, how about we have the local vet's sucking out pup's and kitty's instead of worrying about spay or neuter options. That would send PETA off into orbit......exactly what we should be doing!
Is the global honeymoon over so soon???
Most religious nutballs haven't been happy with Obama from the start.

Dr. Stephen Karanja promotes large families in Kenya. He doesn't believe the country is overpopulated. He doesn't believe in even trying to stop having kids. The man is insane.
Most religious nutballs haven't been happy with Obama from the start.

Dr. Stephen Karanja promotes large families in Kenya. He doesn't believe the country is overpopulated. He doesn't believe in even trying to stop having kids. The man is insane.

Except for that one he hung out with for 20 years.
Most religious nutballs haven't been happy with Obama from the start.

Dr. Stephen Karanja promotes large families in Kenya. He doesn't believe the country is overpopulated. He doesn't believe in even trying to stop having kids. The man is insane.

Religious or not, this fouled up abortion act is murder. In my opinion it's always murder.....but allowed by law when killed inside the mother's body? There's no gray area....it's wrong and should be stopped. Abortion shouldn't be an option to population control or free love editing!
Religious or not, this fouled up abortion act is murder. In my opinion it's always murder.....but allowed by law when killed inside the mother's body? There's no gray area....it's wrong and should be stopped. Abortion shouldn't be an option to population control or free love editing!
I agree that this abortion was completely wrong. You'll never ban all abortions. You'll just get a lot of botched home abortions if you try.

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