ACC Pulls Football Championship from Charlotte



Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2015
ACC pulls football title game from Charlotte over HB2 | The Charlotte Observer

Seeing as how the ACC is basically synonymous with North Carolina (founded and run there), this is even bigger than the NCAA's move. Will be interesting to see where they move the game to now. Jax, Orlando, DC, and Tampa would all probably work.

So to recap all of the business NC has lost as a result of HB2:

-The NBA All Star Game
-ACC Football Championship
-7 collegiate championship games
-Countless concerts (Springsteen, Ringo Starr, all productions of Wicked)
-Deutsche Bank cancels expansion (addition of 250 jobs)
-PayPal cancels plan to open global payment center in Charlotte (400 jobs/ millions of dollars)
-Film production companies canceling shoots (Lionsgate, in particular)
Betting it comes to Orlando! There are high school playoffs that weekend there but could be moved with no problem. It's $$$$$
Betting it comes to Orlando! There are high school playoffs that weekend there but could be moved with no problem. It's $$$$$

A Miami-FSU title game in Orlando would be wild. Luckily for both of those teams (and their ACLs), they finally put turf down in that stadium.

Would also be interesting to see, since it's so late, if they just allowed the top-seeded team to host the game. Would be even more awkward if Duke, UNC, or Wake miraculously end up winning out.
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Good.riddance. I think it's an unnecessary piece of legislation, but the only reason it exists is because charlotte liBS couldn't leave well enough alone and tried to make for people to pee and dress.wherever they felt like it that day. I live in charlotte, have a daughter and wife here, and if a man follows either of them into a bathroom or dressing room then I will curb stomp them.period. Jennifer Robert's, a local dem, made this whole nonsense happen, and she is responsible for the God fearing members that remain in society fighting back against her immoral attempted ordinance. We are.better off trying to please God than some governing body for an athletics conference anyway. For all who might think there has been some huge economic backlash...charlotte is the 2nd fastest growing big city in the US, and Raleigh isn't far behind. We will make it, I assure you. Shoot, I wish it would slow.growth...traffic is getting terrible and I don't want to be atlanta part 2...
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.
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Good.riddance. I think it's an unnecessary piece of legislation, but the only reason it exists is because charlotte liBS couldn't leave well enough alone and tried to make for people to pee and dress.wherever they felt like it that day. I live in charlotte, have a daughter and wife here, and if a man follows either of them into a bathroom or dressing room then I will curb stomp them.period. Jennifer Robert's, a local dem, made this whole nonsense happen, and she is responsible for the God fearing members that remain in society fighting back against her immoral attempted ordinance. We are.better off trying to please God than some governing body for an athletics conference anyway. For all who might think there has been some huge economic backlash...charlotte is the 2nd fastest growing big city in the US, and Raleigh isn't far behind. We will make it, I assure you. Shoot, I wish it would slow.growth...traffic is getting terrible and I don't want to be atlanta part 2...

As usual, the homophobes of that state are standing their ground to keep human beings from having equal rights. It's really a shame that those folk are still in the dark ages regarding civil liberties. I know your opinion on the subject, Marcus as you probably know mine. What's next? Bringing back slavery?
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As usual, the homophobes of that state are standing their ground to keep human beings from having equal rights. It's really a shame that those folk are still in the dark ages regarding civil liberties. I know your opinion on the subject, Marcus as you probably know mine. What's next? Bringing back slavery?
That last question might be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this board.
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.
Common sense is if you male parts go to a male bathroom and female parts go to a female bathroom.
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Wonder is the state of North Carolina pushes back and tries to have UNC and NC State join the SEC

Why would that be a push back?

Not to mention UNC and Duke are the ones joined at the hip, not UNC and State (State is more the arm of the NC system that UNC's people in charge there decide what's good for it and not).

(I also kind of have doubts we'd take them at the moment.)
Common sense is if you male parts go to a male bathroom and female parts go to a female bathroom.

Man you better watch out with that kind of talk nowadays. That kind of common sense is not recognized in todays ultra liberal society. Where a person chooses to take a dump depending on what they identify that day is the norm now.

Actual biology has nothing to do with anything these days. We are using common core biology now.
Betting it comes to Orlando! There are high school playoffs that weekend there but could be moved with no problem. It's $$$$$

That's the rumor. One of the ESPN guys reported it was the favorite.
I remember in that UT GA hobnail boot game in 01. I had held it all I could and worst timing ever I was walking to bathroom when Travis Stephens housed that screen pass. When I got to bathroom you know how England troughs are. Plenty of places to go so Im the only guy in there because close game but there was guy standing by door. I start relieving myself when that guy by door comes in and of all places stands like 1 foot to my right. I was ticked off and let him know. I called him out and embarrassed him as he tried to leave. So yes I understand weirdos will enter either restroom regardless. But if in North Carolina for me my wife and Little girl we would only use family restrooms if available at sporting event or we would leave. No way can we support that filth.
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.

Thing is.. you don't have a clue what is in the heart or mind of that person with the penis going into the ladies room. You sure assume a heck of a lot.

You may be right.. 999 out of 1000 could care less about your lady parts... it's that 1 that you have to watch out for.

What excuse will you make for legislating immorality then? When one of these "ladies" sexually assaults, or even worse, someone in a women's restroom? Would you want to be the 1 it happens to? How about if it hapens to a family member or even your daughter? Will it take that to bring some "common sense" into the discussion?

If you have boy parts stay out of the ladies room.. period.
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.

common sense? really? forcing a company to spend thousands of dollars to satisfy less than .1 of a % is not common sense. let em pee in a stall in the men's room....oh no, I said 'men'...i guess that is offensive to you as well
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.

Check out the planet fitness transgender
As usual, the homophobes of that state are standing their ground to keep human beings from having equal rights. It's really a shame that those folk are still in the dark ages regarding civil liberties. I know your opinion on the subject, Marcus as you probably know mine. What's next? Bringing back slavery?

How is wanting a guy to go to a guys bathroom and a female going to a females bathroom make you a homophobe and how in the hell does that relate to slavery?
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Just do away with large restrooms everywhere and use Porta Johnnies for every one -- would that satisfy the liberals ?
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Oh, good Lord. When it comes to transgendered, we're not talking about some hulking 6 foot bearded guy following women and kids into bathrooms with malice aforethought. We're talking about (generally) some skinny teen or twenty-something who you'd have a hard time figuring out without the bathroom hint, and they really aren't interested in you. They have their own stuff to deal with.

Remember, the person who doesn't seem to fit in the ladies' room must publicly identify as a woman. Not exactly something that your average sexually aggressive guy wants to do.

And I'm a woman, and I've been sexually threatened a few times in my six decades on this planet, but not by some guy in the ladies' room. The level of inappropriate paranoia these days is just amazing. Time for some common sense, folks.

I'm just amazed at the number of people who have fallen for this.

The problem isn't the transgendered actually....for the most part. The main problem is the pervert who tries to take advantage of the law to be a pervert. There will be dudes claiming to be transgender going to women's bathrooms with bad intentions
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The problem isn't the transgendered actually....for the most part. The main problem is the pervert who tries to take advantage of the law to be a pervert. There will be dudes claiming to be transgender going to women's bathrooms with bad intentions

Here's the thing though, a sexual assault is illegal, taking a piss isn't. Since this is such a problem, I would love to see a list of sex crimes committed by self-identified transgender folks in public restrooms. There must be thousands of them to have this many pitchforks and torches out.

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