ACC Pulls Football Championship from Charlotte

Here's the thing though, a sexual assault is illegal, taking a piss isn't. Since this is such a problem, I would love to see a list of sex crimes committed by self-identified transgender folks in public restrooms. There must be thousands of them to have this many pitchforks and torches out.

Probably has something to do with leaving the toilet seats up in the "ladies" room.
Here's the thing though, a sexual assault is illegal, taking a piss isn't. Since this is such a problem, I would love to see a list of sex crimes committed by self-identified transgender folks in public restrooms. There must be thousands of them to have this many pitchforks and torches out.

I think my post may have been misinterpreted a little bit.

However, this whole deal is depressing and why i try mot to think about politics and why the country is screwed.

We cant even agree as a people on a subject that is so simple like where one should take a piss.

Yeah, we're going to stop terrorism, fix health care, fix the economy, pay down the debt, etc., while we fart around debating on where to have a bowel movement.
Good.riddance. I think it's an unnecessary piece of legislation, but the only reason it exists is because charlotte liBS couldn't leave well enough alone and tried to make for people to pee and dress.wherever they felt like it that day. I live in charlotte, have a daughter and wife here, and if a man follows either of them into a bathroom or dressing room then I will curb stomp them.period. Jennifer Robert's, a local dem, made this whole nonsense happen, and she is responsible for the God fearing members that remain in society fighting back against her immoral attempted ordinance. We are.better off trying to please God than some governing body for an athletics conference anyway. For all who might think there has been some huge economic backlash...charlotte is the 2nd fastest growing big city in the US, and Raleigh isn't far behind. We will make it, I assure you. Shoot, I wish it would slow.growth...traffic is getting terrible and I don't want to be atlanta part 2...

and their conservative legislative brethren are the biggest boobs in America. They have attempted to restrict voting rights in numerous states in a transparent, undemocratic effort to limit turnout by African Americans and young people, all the while lying and trying to tell people the laws are aimed at voter fraud. There is no voter fraud.

They've done the same thing with women's health-care rights--trying to abolish abortion despite the fact that it is a federal right, and likewise claiming that they just want to protect the health of women in clinics. Another lie as there have been no health issues in the clinics.

They've passed laws enabling business to discriminate against gays so long as the business claims serving gays would violate its religious freedom. More HOR$E****. They've dramatically cut state funding for state universities, which have had to raise their tuitions substantially to compensate.

Anything associated with progressivism is target by GOP blockheads who think they can return America to the 1950s. The North Carolina law is just another GOP overreaction--it was great to see Duke's Coach K call it embarrassing--and North Carolina will ditch it fairly soon if they're smart--which they aren't. In Oklahoma idiot conservative politicians now have to figure out how to prevent earthquakes--which are becoming more numerous and severe in that state due to widespread fracking--without actually stopping the fracking that means so much to them, since most of the legislators are in the pocket of the energy industry. Good luck to them.
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The problem isn't the transgendered actually....for the most part. The main problem is the pervert who tries to take advantage of the law to be a pervert. There will be dudes claiming to be transgender going to women's bathrooms with bad intentions

It's just more conservative paranoia and nonsense. Just like we're all supposed to carry guns around so we can save the day in case some bad guy with a gun pops up at out of the bushes and busts down our door--so we can save the day. Except that all these sheriff-wannabes are far more likely to shoot themselves or some innocent person (ex-wife, boss they hate, etc.) than some bad guy with gun. NRA has diddled America's burly man-with-truck crowd with its "defend yourself" propaganda pretty effectively.
Here's the thing though, a sexual assault is illegal, taking a piss isn't. Since this is such a problem, I would love to see a list of sex crimes committed by self-identified transgender folks in public restrooms. There must be thousands of them to have this many pitchforks and torches out.

I can't get the link to post but someone post the story of Reese hartstirn.
It's just more conservative paranoia and nonsense. Just like we're all supposed to carry guns around so we can save the day in case some bad guy with a gun pops up at out of the bushes and busts down our door--so we can save the day. Except that all these sheriff-wannabes are far more likely to shoot themselves or some innocent person (ex-wife, boss they hate, etc.) than some bad guy with gun. NRA has diddled America's burly man-with-truck crowd with its "defend yourself" propaganda pretty effectively.

Not everyone is as incapable of handling their guns as you liberals are.
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It's just more conservative paranoia and nonsense. Just like we're all supposed to carry guns around so we can save the day in case some bad guy with a gun pops up at out of the bushes and busts down our door--so we can save the day. Except that all these sheriff-wannabes are far more likely to shoot themselves or some innocent person (ex-wife, boss they hate, etc.) than some bad guy with gun. NRA has diddled America's burly man-with-truck crowd with its "defend yourself" propaganda pretty effectively.

You are leaving out an important consideration...there are less bad guys with guns to shoot at, bc they are worried about all the sheriff wannabes walking around. Mass shootings happen in gun free zones for a reason.
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I can't get the link to post but someone post the story of Reese hartstirn.

How does that story implicate transgender folks at all? Would the psycho not have followed a girl into the ladies room and choked her out with some superfluous bathroom law in place?
As usual, the homophobes of that state are standing their ground to keep human beings from having equal rights. It's really a shame that those folk are still in the dark ages regarding civil liberties. I know your opinion on the subject, Marcus as you probably know mine. What's next? Bringing back slavery?

That's about as idiotic an opinion as I have ever heard. Simply because someone may not want an it with a penis peeing next to a young boy or girl doesn't somehow mean they are not as "enlightened" as yourself. If you have no problem with it then you are more than welcome to allow anyone you want to do whatever they want in your bathroom if you build a private business. It's a shame that a small minority of individuals try to force their bs down the throat of everyone else in the name of "equality".
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How does that story implicate transgender folks at all? Would the psycho not have followed a girl into the ladies room and choked her out with some superfluous bathroom law in place?

People are not fighting against transgender people... The laws are made to allow anyone into any restroom.... It won't stop them all but it will at least make it against the law for him to be in there... Right now if someone called the cops.... It's his right to be in there. It puts women and children at greater risk for predators.
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That's about as idiotic an opinion as I have ever heard. Simply because someone may not want an it with a penis peeing next to a young boy or girl doesn't somehow mean they are not as "enlightened" as yourself. If you have no problem with it then you are more than welcome to allow anyone you want to do whatever they want in your bathroom if you build a private business. It's a shame that a small minority of individuals try to force their bs down the throat of everyone else in the name of "equality".

Exactly. The left doesn't consider the rights of the majority. It's always about crying and whining about the persecuted minority.
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How does that story implicate transgender folks at all? Would the psycho not have followed a girl into the ladies room and choked her out with some superfluous bathroom law in place?

People are not fighting against transgender people... The laws are made to allow anyone into any restroom.... It won't stop them all but it will at least make it against the law for him to be in there... Right now if someone called the cops.... It's his right to be in there. It puts women and children at greater risk for predators.

Not only would he have a legal right to be there, if anybody complains, our high-minded progressive friends are "always ready" to label that person a bigot.
Just do away with large restrooms everywhere and use Porta Johnnies for every one -- would that satisfy the liberals ?

There's no such thing as satisfaction when you are a miserable human being and are constantly manufacturing things to be pissed off about.
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It's just more conservative paranoia and nonsense. Just like we're all supposed to carry guns around so we can save the day in case some bad guy with a gun pops up at out of the bushes and busts down our door--so we can save the day. Except that all these sheriff-wannabes are far more likely to shoot themselves or some innocent person (ex-wife, boss they hate, etc.) than some bad guy with gun. NRA has diddled America's burly man-with-truck crowd with its "defend yourself" propaganda pretty effectively.

The real sad part about this is we cant have honest dialogue about this.

Personally, i think this is a mental illness. We cant discuss that because it's not tolerant, pc, etc.

But let me use an example.

Suppose Bruce Jenner claimed he was really an African American. He was born Caucasian, but he's really always been AA. And he began doing things tp change his appearance to be the AA he always truly has been. And he began completing government and job application forms indicating he was AA instead of Caucasian.

We would say he's crazy. Not only that, we would probably accuse him of being racist. Might even prosecute him for fraud.

But, he claimed he's a woman and no one finds it possible there is a mental stability issue.

Some, most or all of these people may need real help and they'll never get it because of the politics involved.

Even raising this question is considered to be hateful and intolerant
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People are not fighting against transgender people... The laws are made to allow anyone into any restroom.... It won't stop them all but it will at least make it against the law for him to be in there... Right now if someone called the cops.... It's his right to be in there. It puts women and children at greater risk for predators.

If someone is willing to break the laws surrounding sexual assault, I doubt any bathroom gender law is going to dissuade them either.

"I have no problem molesting people, but I'd better not go into the wrong bathroom or I could get in trouble" is not something I see a pervert saying to themselves.
If someone is willing to break the laws surrounding sexual assault, I doubt any bathroom gender law is going to dissuade them either.

"I have no problem molesting people, but I'd better not go into the wrong bathroom or I could get in trouble" is not something I see a pervert saying to themselves.

Laws are not made for a reason of only deterrence.

Someone mentioned guns earlier.

Using your logic, why do we have any gun laws. I mean if you are going to kill someone, are you concerned about the illegal acquisition and possession of a firearm?
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Laws are not made for a reason of only deterrence.

Someone mentioned guns earlier.

Using your logic, why do we have any gun laws. I mean if you are going to kill someone, are you concerned about the illegal acquisition and possession of a firearm?

Using the same analogy, your stance sounds a lot like the group wanting to ban all guns because a small percentage of people misuse them.
Funny how that works.

It's an interesting issue in the sense that it forces people who are very partisan with their stances to argue the exact opposite of what they do for gun control. I really don't have strong feelings one way or another, but I tend to lean towards not adding new laws unless there is a very obvious benefit. It's just hard for me to see a realistic scenario where this is going to prevent molestation or assault.
It's an interesting issue in the sense that it forces people who are very partisan with their stances to argue the exact opposite of what they do for gun control. I really don't have strong feelings one way or another, but I tend to lean towards not adding new laws unless there is a very obvious benefit. It's just hard for me to see a realistic scenario where this is going to prevent molestation or assault.
It's all about creating boogeymen to distract people from actual problems. Both sides do it, and happily mock the other side's manufactured distractions while zealously defending their own.

Live and let live only exists when it suits your narrative, evidently.
Using the same analogy, your stance sounds a lot like the group wanting to ban all guns because a small percentage of people misuse them.

Its like that for any law. Most all law is intended to stop the small perecentage who break it.

Personally, i would probably be considered a liberal, or at least have a more liberal position, when it comes to guns. I think you can own one. I think handguns are fine. Shotguns. Hunting rifles. Ok. Stuff that military personnel Guns that fire a certain number of rounds in a Do i care about the length of a waiting

However, i dont think gun laws do anything as a deterrent

However, as previously mentioned, that is not the only function of law.
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