So bogus. The law always struggles with where to draw the line within a family as to what overall society accepts versus the family's religious beliefs.
I have a relative who was a circuit court judge for a period of time in the 1970s and 80s. He had a number of cases where the child of Jehovah's Witness parents would be injured or ill and need a blood transfusion. Apparently, that's a huge no-no to them.
So the parents would (usually very torn about it themselves) refuse. The hospital would file suit, and my relative would literally hold court in a hospital room to decide the dispute.
This is an inevitable result of allowing various religions in a free society. Doesn't mean they are evil. And just because they advocate for people to have their same religious views, including their norms and rules, doesn't mean they are trying to take us over by use of them.
I mean, honestly, gsvol, given what you know of the country, are you REALLY concerned that somehow the hundreds of millions of Christians in this country are going to be inculcated to Islam? Its a silly worry. And all it really does is prove that you have an extremely narrow mind about religious freedom (a character trait ironically so often found amongst so-called conservatives when it comes to the Constitution).
It also demonstrates that you will make silly arguments in order to fan the flames of fear. If you want to complain that Islam has been coopted by terrorists who are manipulating it to their own selfish ends, okay, there's some evidence to support that. And we can argue to what degree that has occurred and how to combat the terrorists of today whilst preventing further terrorists from being created tomorrow.
Seems to me that the surest way to guarantee more terrorists tomorrow is to insult and be dismissive of their religious rights. I think, frankly, that people like you are feeding the terrorist machine because you perpetuate the notion that our REAL goal is not to end terrorism, but to end Islam. The hate machine, ironically, just stokes the fires of distrust and is easily manipulated.
You should ask yourself, at the end of the day, are you and your propagandists making things worse because a good case can be made that you are. Especially when you don;t want to allow them even to speak their minds about it.