Ainge, Clausen, Schaeffer, or Crompton.....

No matter who starts, I am glad Rick Clausen has his moment in the sun and will be remembered as more than a 3rd-string quarterback. My opinion is that the starting spot should be his to lose, which is exactly how I feel about Ainge, Schaeffer, Crompton and anybody else who wants a shot at QB.
Originally posted by vols2345@Jan 17, 2005 12:11 PM
r we forgeting just how good ainge was. he did lead us down the field to beat flordia. he made great passes aginst georgia. auburn......................... well didnt play so good. ole miss lead us down the field for the win. are we forgetting clausen cost us the game aginst notre dame. and whats up with everyone jumping on the clausen band waggon. man what is up with this. and to answer the question, ainge is our qb and he will start.

Clausen was thrown in the fire in the middle of that Notre Dame game and he admitted to costing us that game...And in my book, that makes him a man...If he is man enough to actually come out and say "Guys, it was my fault we lost that game, I'm sorry" that makes him a man...and I would feel comfortable with Rick Clausen starting this year but I think Ainge will beat him out..but what I'm saying here is....I agree with LIO that it is Rick's starting job to lose....Do I think he will lose it? Maybe...Anything can happen...But even if he don't I feel comfortable with him in there and evidently CPF does too because he wouldn't have put him in there against the Gold Domers....You guys just need to give Rick a chance to show what he can do ;)
i've said this before, Ainge reminds me of Brett Farve ( great Qb but tries to play above himself sometimes, thought he could thread the needle when it had no eye) and Clausen while not as athletic is a smart football player who will get his shot ( will he get the starting job maybe maybe not) and IMO he deserves a shot but if Ainge is da man come spring I say great lets get it on.
I don't know who the starter will be, but I do know one thing: CRS and CPF will get it right. They picked Manning over Stewart. They were going to go with Clausen over Joey Matthews and they bypassed Clausen and Leak last year and won 10 games with true freshmen. The best man WILL win.
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Jan 17, 2005 12:25 PM
but I think Ainge will beat him out..but what I'm saying here is....I agree with LIO that it is Rick's starting job to lose....Do I think he will lose it? Maybe...A

Clausens success might inspire Ainge to work even harder and learn as much as he can about schemes. A little spirited competition never hurt anything.
I bet going into spring drills it's:

By fall, it will be:
Crompton (RS)

After next season, I think Schaeffer will see the writing on the wall (spelled c-r-o-m-p-t-o-n) and move elsewhere. Clausen has earned every bit of the starting spot going into spring, but I think we all know that Ainge's skills will set him apart from the rest. Regardless, as GAVols says, the coaches are going to get it right - they do nearly everytime.

Whoever made this comment: "how can u want a clausen?" - come on, are you an idiot? Are you capable of looking at where our program would have been the last 4 years if it weren't for the Clausen's? That's the kind of crap that I just don't get...

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