Ainge is quarterback on the best 5-and-6 team in the nation!
Hands down.
... and that rascal is working like heck to get better.
Who knows how good UT can be? Next year, 6-5? Yeah, THAT'S the ticket. REAL improvement!
2006 Peach Bowl, here we come!!!
Da Vols are rollin' now!
Mark it down.
:banghead: :banghead:
I'm sorry, I'm sure EA is a good kid and all but CPF has used up my reservoir of good-will toward him and the program by surrendering to Alabama with 6:49 left three years ago and went into deficit spending by losing to VANDER-freaking-BILT and THAT has hard-wired my optic nerve to my gluteal region.
It gives me a real @(%%#&-y outlook on UTFB.