I just heard that Ainge is going in for an MRI today. Major swelling and there is concern of a hairline fracture. My source is a major booster that's usually in the know - he's never given me bad info.
That isn't great news, but you can still play on a hairline fracture, can you not? (i'm not a doctor).
Ainge is a pocket passer--not a running quarterback--so as long as his mobility is still decent enough to avoid the rush (and move outside the pocket a little bit to buy time), then he is still the same player.
That said, if it affects his mobility significantly and makes him unable to avoid the rush (think drew bledsoe), then that could be a real problem.
I am almost sure it is his right ankle which is the leg he pushes off with when he passes. I think it is safe to say even if he can play, it will really affect his passes as well as his mobility. My guess is he is done for the year as bad as I hate to say it. Hope I'm wrong.