AJ and the Beast Package for Oregon

I don't know about ANYBODY, but I think it's a valid point. More than anything, I think the Beast package highlighted how flawed our offense was.

Honestly our offense was the only bright spot last year. Our defense was horrendous. Putting a defensive guy on offense was a reflection of how incompetent our coaching staff was.
Honestly our offense was the only bright spot last year. Our defense was horrendous. Putting a defensive guy on offense was a reflection of how incompetent our coaching staff was.

Don't get me wrong, the offense was great at times, but when it comes down to it, the biggest test is whether you can pick up 3rd and short and stay on the field. We clearly had very little confidence in our ability to get in the I and ram it between the tackles.
I don't know about ANYBODY, but I think it's a valid point. More than anything, I think the Beast package highlighted how flawed our offense was.

Also, how inept our coaching and running game were.....That offense would have been great under CBJ and staff versus a Micro-manager Like DD....
I don't know about ANYBODY, but I think it's a valid point. More than anything, I think the Beast package highlighted how flawed our offense was.


Gimmicky offense is a sign of weakness, whether it be talent or depth

With our O-line, you should be able to put me in the backfield and get 3 yards
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