AJ, Sapp, and O'Brien involved in altercation. (Rumor/Speculation)

Sounds like much ado about nothing.. Bunch of players cited for underage drinking. (Which happens in every single college football program, not even a question) .. And an overreaction by the cops and an arrest of AJ for "Grabbing his shoulder" while he was arresting Sapp...

Coaches are prolly as annoyed with the cops as they are that they gotta run some players extra now.
Riddle me this

Why do millionaires spend millions of dollars to campaign for a job that makes less than they are already worth?

Gosh, you're better than this ... Because they care and have aundying passion for a better future for all Americans. Geeeesh.
i think i read this entire thread today and i have no idea what to think about anything. well played VN...well played.
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Yes. I vote for who is more for America

I hate the two party system

People root for Dems or Repubs like its a frickin ball game

Whether your voting choices ever agree with mine or not, I don't care. It's just refreshing to see a voter who "thinks" instead of blindly following a party line, a biased and often false slogan, or other herd mentality approach.

I tend to look at the candidates' past statements and actions then compare them to what s/he's saying now. I research the facts regarding his or her claims. . . and well you get the idea. Then I vote for who I consider the lesser evil or as you say, who is most for America. Nice to even digitally meet another thinking voter.
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Discouraging drunk driving is not a valid reason? I don't like them, but equating it to communism is flat out stupid.

emainvol, just wait until a drunk driver kills someone he loves, or puts him in a hospital or wheelchair. Then see what lyrics he sings to the music of an off key clarinet then. Those rideouts I mentioned included seeing a badly mangled collision caused by a drunk and a dead baby. Parents were dead, but cops knew a baby was in that car. Couldn't find it. Until the tow truck lifted the car and the baby fell out from the front passenger side wheel well. Seems baby got thrown out, then ran over by the still moving car and wrapped between the tire and upper portion of the wheel well. A place no one thought to look. The drunk? He survived but his wife didn't. If these stops get even one of these thoughtless (will not use the expletives in my mind now because Freak would absolutely dump my butt right off this board before I could blink) unweaned bottle sucking drivers off the road, I'm all for it.
Ok, I read page 1 then jumped to page 63 to see what has become of our players. And what do I see? The thread has taken a turn that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread title. Well played Vol Nation. Well played. :D
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Ok, I read page 1 then jumped to page 63 to see what has become of our players. And what do I see? The thread has taken a turn that has absolutely nothing to do with the thread title. Well played Vol Nation. Well played. :D

It's Volnation and, uh:
Can we argue the Amanda Knox thing in here?...getting tired of switching to the Pub to thrash Sandvol :aggressive:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
From overhearing people in class that attended the party, it sounds like KPD were very over the top in regards to their reaction. 13 squad cars, 25+ police officers. IMO this is a complete non-issue and it seems KPD had a vendetta for someone.
From overhearing people in class that attended the party, it sounds like KPD were very over the top in regards to their reaction. 13 squad cars, 25+ police officers. IMO this is a complete non-issue and it seems KPD had a vendetta for someone.

That would be the Knox County Sheriff's department not KPD.
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