While I detest the very essence of the man, its obvious Al Gore is not an idiot. He made a movie that is nothing more than propaganda, filled with inaccuracies, and out and out lies. He has won an academy award, Nobel prize, gone out and preached about conservation, all the while living and extravagant life style, and then sells off carbon credits to a company he owns. Very smart indeed. Now he's possibly going to be sued for those inaccuracies, 500 of the worlds leading scientist are meeting in New York to debunk this fraud, with real data and trends. James Hansen, a scientist with NASA, some say in bed with Gore, is under investigation for some statements made. Scientist who were on the original UN global warming study, have sued to get their names taken off of it, don't want to be associated with it. The question is now, will the media cover and listen to what the 500 scientist have to say with the same zest and voracity that they covered Gore, my guess, probably not.