In the midst of rejoicing at AU's misery and wringing hands over a 5 star WR heading to UGA....remember that this dude has major academic work to do according to TOS. He may never see the field in Athens.
Not trying to kick anyone while they're down but you guys do this to yourselves every year. Rumors of a big fish, this 5 star flipping to UT. Its the same story every year and every year it doesn't work out.
Not trying to kick anyone while they're down but you guys do this to yourselves every year. Rumors of a big fish, this 5 star flipping to UT. Its the same story every year and every year it doesn't work out.
I think he will struggle to get into Georgia too. Was a big uphill climb for him to get into UT. Not too disappointed but the press would've been nice and would say a good chance we would've got him in.
Not trying to kick anyone while they're down but you guys do this to yourselves every year. Rumors of a big fish, this 5 star flipping to UT. Its the same story every year and every year it doesn't work out.
Not trying to kick anyone while they're down but you guys do this to yourselves every year. Rumors of a big fish, this 5 star flipping to UT. Its the same story every year and every year it doesn't work out.
Not trying to kick anyone while they're down but you guys do this to yourselves every year. Rumors of a big fish, this 5 star flipping to UT. Its the same story every year and every year it doesn't work out.