Alaska Renamed Putina?

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Remember when the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) ridiculed Romney for warning that Russia was still our adversary?
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Putin has tried his best to make Russia an adversary akin to the Cold War era. He was KGB, through and through, and many seem to forget about it. He longs for another Soviet Union. He's deluded about it. Romney was right in his assessment of them. We can't dismiss them as a threat to our security. We've caught them red handed(pardon the pun) meddling in our elections. As a military threat they are real, but they couldn't/wouldn't hold up against us. Forget Romney, why did Trump dismiss their cyber crimes, per his recorded words, "I don't see why they would do it", even after there was incontrovertible evidence of it.
Putin has tried his best to make Russia an adversary akin to the Cold War era. He was KGB, through and through, and many seem to forget about it. He longs for another Soviet Union. He's deluded about it. Romney was right in his assessment of them. We can't dismiss them as a threat to our security. We've caught them red handed(pardon the pun) meddling in our elections. As a military threat they are real, but they couldn't/wouldn't hold up against us. Forget Romney, why did Trump dismiss their cyber crimes, per his recorded words, "I don't see why they would do it", even after there was incontrovertible evidence of it.
Regarding countries meddling in other countries elections….that one is such a red herring. EVERY nation on earth tries to influence elections in other countries. I still can’t believe the Democrat whining over 2016 considering how Obama openly used US taxpayer money to try and defeat Netanyahu in Israeli elections back in the day
How many Alaskan møøse would it take to pull a T-54 (because Pooty-poot has burned through so many of his newer models)?
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Hell, they can't even take Ukraine.
Do you want to see what happens if they decide to launch one nuke and threaten the rest of the world? What happens then, genius? WW3 and total destruction of the entire world? You guys think you're playing with lady fingers that go pop pop pop and you're playing with someone that can end the world.
They’re are too busy trying to secure the choke points beyond their western border that they lost control of when the USSR dissolved to worry about their eastern wasteland. They don’t have the resources, but they’ll continue to push westward even without Putin in charge.

Another area where Trump was 100% correct (and I’m far from a Trumper). He put the pressure on the NATO allies to put in their fair shares and to stop expecting the US to pay for most of their security. The Dems, the media, big tech, the education indoctrinators, the Globalists, and Hollywood wanted him to fail no matter what the cost would be to the country.
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Regarding countries meddling in other countries elections….that one is such a red herring. EVERY nation on earth tries to influence elections in other countries. I still can’t believe the Democrat whining over 2016 considering how Obama openly used US taxpayer money to try and defeat Netanyahu in Israeli elections back in the day

Dude was and still is a major POS!
Regarding countries meddling in other countries elections….that one is such a red herring. EVERY nation on earth tries to influence elections in other countries. I still can’t believe the Democrat whining over 2016 considering how Obama openly used US taxpayer money to try and defeat Netanyahu in Israeli elections back in the day
Not even a deft deflection. I do agree with your response; however, it's not relative to the specificity of my post.
Do you want to see what happens if they decide to launch one nuke and threaten the rest of the world? What happens then, genius? WW3 and total destruction of the entire world? You guys think you're playing with lady fingers that go pop pop pop and you're playing with someone that can end the world.
I don't know what your point is Strom. Are you saying we need to give Putin anything he wants because Russia is a nuclear power?
Not even a deft deflection. I do agree with your response; however, it's not relative to the specificity of my post.
I was not disagreeing with your post at all and my reply was not meant to be adversarial. I just get so tired of people in general making an issue of nations interfering in the politics of other nations. In the immortal words of David Byrne….
I don't know what your point is Strom. Are you saying we need to give Putin anything he wants because Russia is a nuclear power?
I'm saying we need to quit playing in someone else's sandbox. We're funding a war we have no business funding. They don't care about war, they only care about power and virtue signaling, and the EU is tickled that we pay their way.
Do you want to see what happens if they decide to launch one nuke and threaten the rest of the world? What happens then, genius? WW3 and total destruction of the entire world? You guys think you're playing with lady fingers that go pop pop pop and you're playing with someone that can end the world.

We had a good run. Blow it up.
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Remember when the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) ridiculed Romney for warning that Russia was still our adversary?
View attachment 471385

Romney is one of the very few Republicans I like and would vote for. Because he truly is a Republican and not a Republiar. Remember when hawk Republicans wanted to invade Saudi Arabia in 1973 and annex their oil fields? So Russia is not alone in acting like greedy little snots. And history shows we act this way whether a Democrat or a Republican is in office or holding a Congressional majority. But those awful Arabs were price gouging!!! Aw shut up, it was nothing but capitalism at its finest. Problem is, good ole Democrats and especially Republicans don't appreciate capitalism unless it is in our favor. So your what aboutism is just an escape tactic for your own political hypocrisy. As for Pu -Pu taking Alaska, I'd like to see him try it, also see what his far right lovers would do and say as a result.
Do you want to see what happens if they decide to launch one nuke and threaten the rest of the world? What happens then, genius? WW3 and total destruction of the entire world? You guys think you're playing with lady fingers that go pop pop pop and you're playing with someone that can end the world.
Well hell if they are going to threaten nukes and destroying the world we should give them what they want. What if they want to only murder you, rape your wife and kids, and take over Montreal? We should give in to their threats right?
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Romney was not correct. Russia wasn't then, and isn't now, our biggest geopolitical threat. China is. By a ton. He was wrongfully mocked by Obama. But he wasn't right then and he isn't now. They are a disaster of a country.
Perfectly said.

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