Alaska Renamed Putina?

I'm saying we need to quit playing in someone else's sandbox. We're funding a war we have no business funding, all the while our gay band of merry men in the EU is sucking each other off. They don't care about war, they only care about power and virtue signaling, and the EU is tickled that we pay their way.
Ukraine isn’t Putin’s sandbox, either. Just gonna go ahead and ignore the rest of your post for obvious reasons.
The thing is...

I don't trust Biden (or whomever is pulling his strings), Kamala or any of the woke ass, broke ass members of the DoD to properly secure this country even in the event of an overt attack.

Hell, there's a full scale invasion on our southern border and they aren't doing ****. What makes you think a Russian invasion of Alaska would be any different? You think NATO is going to come to our aid knowing it's a lot shorter drive to their borders for the Russians then it is trying to deploy their combat forces halfway around the world?
The thing is...

I don't trust Biden (or whomever is pulling his strings), Kamala or any of the woke ass, broke ass members of the DoD to properly secure this country even in the event of an overt attack.

Hell, there's a full scale invasion on our southern border and they aren't doing ****. What makes you think a Russian invasion of Alaska would be any different? You think NATO is going to come to our aid knowing it's a lot shorter drive to their borders for the Russians then it is trying to deploy their combat forces halfway around the world?

Yep. Our leadership can’t defend El Paso, but we’re skipping our worry to Nuclear holocaust. Sad as can be.
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Putin has tried his best to make Russia an adversary akin to the Cold War era. He was KGB, through and through, and many seem to forget about it. He longs for another Soviet Union. He's deluded about it. Romney was right in his assessment of them. We can't dismiss them as a threat to our security. We've caught them red handed(pardon the pun) meddling in our elections. As a military threat they are real, but they couldn't/wouldn't hold up against us. Forget Romney, why did Trump dismiss their cyber crimes, per his recorded words, "I don't see why they would do it", even after there was incontrovertible evidence of it.
Oh my goodness.,, more of this KGB nonsense. You guys act like being in the KGB makes you James Bond or something.
Romney is one of the very few Republicans I like and would vote for. Because he truly is a Republican and not a Republiar. Remember when hawk Republicans wanted to invade Saudi Arabia in 1973 and annex their oil fields? So Russia is not alone in acting like greedy little snots. And history shows we act this way whether a Democrat or a Republican is in office or holding a Congressional majority. But those awful Arabs were price gouging!!! Aw shut up, it was nothing but capitalism at its finest. Problem is, good ole Democrats and especially Republicans don't appreciate capitalism unless it is in our favor. So your what aboutism is just an escape tactic for your own political hypocrisy. As for Pu -Pu taking Alaska, I'd like to see him try it, also see what his far right lovers would do and say as a result.
Romney is a POS.
Do you just believe anything you read or see? You probably think there is a legitimate chance this could happen. Dude grow up.

Do you just ascribe to every QNON, heresy, hearsay, and unfounded rightist conspiracy myth you see, smell, and touch? Grow up, more importantly, get a brain that works. Learn to read too, I said I'd like to see Pu-Pu try to take Alaska, I didn't say it had a legitimate chance of happening. Despite your attempt to put your words into my mouth (or rather, post). Choo-choooooo!
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Romney was not correct. Russia wasn't then, and isn't now, our biggest geopolitical threat. China is. By a ton. He was wrongfully mocked by Obama. But he wasn't right then and he isn't now. They are a disaster of a country.
Okay. If China is our biggest threat then let's move our manufacturing that is in China back here to the states.
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Romney was not correct. Russia wasn't then, and isn't now, our biggest geopolitical threat. China is. By a ton. He was wrongfully mocked by Obama. But he wasn't right then and he isn't now. They are a disaster of a country.

Romney is a POS but he wasn’t entirely wrong and our biggest geopolitical threat isn’t China, its our own government.
Oh my goodness.,, more of this KGB nonsense. You guys act like being in the KGB makes you James Bond or something.
Do you believe that putin has been involved in torturing someone, imprisoning innocent people or killing them altogether? Yes or no question

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