Albanian Muslims save Jews

I am far from politically correct. I completely understand the nature of the threat posed by muslim extremism. I just don't think it is as ubiquitous as many think, the vast majority of muslims have never and will never kill anyone. Most of the ones I know are fine people, but like any people, they have their bad apples. History is replete with examples of groups that have been dangerous, it is hardly limited to islam. Think of the IRA, Union Corse, Mafia, The Red Army Faction, Fascists, Inquisitions, Red Hand of Ulster, Communists, Farq, the Black Hand, KKK. In the last 5 years alone mexican drug cartels have killed over 42000 people. The problem is extremists who feel that they have the right to force their views on others using violence.

Since you don't call yourself a christian, then I wasn't talking to you. By all means, be as bigoted as you want. It just burns me up when so-called christians do it.

you call me bigoted all you want. dont think for a moment though that you have a monopoly on interaction with muslims. i too interact with many muslims on a daily basis. i am not talking about muslims on an individual basis. i am talking about islam and what it stands for. as winston churchill once said, "Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it."

forgive me. i misunderstood and agree with the point. don't think for a moment that i am defending any religion. i am just pointing out the violent history of islam. a history that many like to whitewash. the difference is that most of christianity has evolved over the last 1000 years while the most vocal muslims/islamist have not.
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Kosov before the muslim Albanian (Clinton assisted) takeover was a very diverse area.

Count the number of Jews there now.

You will find none.
you call me bigoted all you want. dont think for a moment though that you have a monopoly on interaction with muslims. i too interact with many muslims on a daily basis. i am not talking about muslims on an individual basis. i am talking about islam and what it stands for. as winston churchill once said, "Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it."

If you are making sweeping generalizations of a negative nature about an entire group and then use those generalizations to inform your actions or communication, then you are being a bigot.

Bigotry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs. The predominant usage in modern English refers to persons hostile to those of differing sex, race, ethnicity, religious belief or spirituality, nationality, language, sexual orientation, and age; and to those from a different region, with non-normative gender identity, those who are homeless, and those with various medical disorders, particularly behavioural and addictive disorders.
Tell me why serbian christians ethnically cleansed muslim people from Kosovo?

Pretty sure last time we talked about the Serbian genocide in the former Yugoslavia he claimed it didn't happen if I remember correctly.
Kosov before the muslim Albanian (Clinton assisted) takeover was a very diverse area.

Count the number of Jews there now.

You will find none.

So just because jews dont choose to live in Kosovo you assume that they are not allowed in Kosovo. You my friend are an idiot
So just because jews dont choose to live in Kosovo you assume that they are not allowed in Kosovo. You my friend are an idiot


First of all I'm not your friend pal and I didn't assume anysthing.

Secondly, calling someone an idiot doesn't make you appear to be any brighter, althought dimwits often think that is the case.

Why did the Jews leave if not for fear of losing their lives?

During WWII muslems in the Balkans furnished Hitler with three divisions of crack SS troops, the following is a glimpse of their handiwork:

"During our journey toward the hill of Javor, near Srebrenica and Ozren, all the Serbian villages which we came across were wholly massacred. In the villages between Vlasenica and Kladanj we discovered children who had been impaled upon stakes, their small limbs still distorted by pain, resembling insects stuck through by pins."

The above quote is from:
"Assassins au nom de Dieu"
Author: Herve Lauriere
Paris, 1951, page 58

They did the same in the 1990s in the same place.
Secondly, calling someone an idiot doesn't make you appear to be any brighter, althought dimwits often think that is the case.

So if we call you a dimwit instead of an idiot, will you stop *****ing like a 10 year-old girl?
So if we call you a dimwit instead of an idiot, will you stop *****ing like a 10 year-old girl?

Dance for me Nancy!

Stuff it up your kazoo would be my suggestion.


I picture him more like a fanatic old man that nobody take seriously. Alone, angry, and pathetic.

And you look like your own avatar?



Israel has a population of of about 20% Arabs (mostly Christians) as well as many Jews who have converted to Christianity.

Demonstrate how they are discrminated against.

Now, point out any country that is dominated by islam where Christians aren't discriminated against, even severely persecuted and then maybe you can gain some traction, until then you are just spinning your wheels.

One other important point, Jews don't call for any genocide campaign agains moslems, moslems do advocate of the genocide of all Jews.

One other important point, Jews don't call for any genocide campaign agains moslems, moslems do advocate of the genocide of all Jews.


Not all Muslims support the destruction of all the Jews. Just as not every Christian supports bombing of abortion clinics.
Ever stop and think why you're ALWAYS on the defense here?

Hint, nobody's jealous.

Because so many are brainwashed with political

Good for you.

Not all Muslims support the destruction of all the Jews. Just as not every Christian supports bombing of abortion clinics.


No one is saying that all muslims call for the destruction
of the Jews but the religion of islam itself does call for
the destruction of the Jews and most muslims adhere to
the so-call 'holy' texts.

Tabari 7:97 The morning after the murder of Ashraf,
the Prophet declared, "Kill any Jew who falls under your

There are plenty of muslims who would renounce islam
altogether except for intimidation and the threat of
death if one does repudiate islam.

The World's Deadliest Book - The Koran - Crazy Islam

"Show me just what Mohammed brought that was new,
and there you will find things only evil and inhuman,
such as his command to spread by the sword the faith
he preached."
- Manuel II Palelologus

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