Vitale is a bleating idiot. Literally. If you actually listen to Vitale, then you are listening to an idiot. There's an old saying about that.
Same for Jim Rome. Two egotistical idiots who, if ESPN did not exist, would be selling vacuum cleaners in the the Midwest.
Tressel is toast. Apparently, only Tressel and Gene Smith don't realize that. And for their sins, and arrogance after the fact...THE Ohio State University is probably going to get it's ass relocated somewhere up around it's shoulders.
And rightfully so.
So...for all of you high and mighty OSU fans out's time for you to come down off of "Mt. Self-Righteous"...and accept the fact that you have hung your star on a first-rate liar.
Time to pay the piper, Buckeyes.
And, oh, how the mighty have fallen.
When the NCAA gets done with you, your Brutus Buckeye will have a significantly enlarged browneye, if you get my drift.
And rightfully so.....
Go Vols.