All Institutions Are Declining in Ratings



What's it gonna cost?
Mar 11, 2009
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

All sorts of reasons but I agree the echo chamber of the internet allows falsehoods to gain the imprimatur of truth by repetition.

What's the old quote? A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.
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All sorts of reasons but I agree the echo chamber of the internet allows falsehoods to gain the imprimatur of truth by repetition.

What's the old quote? A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.

The internet has both exposed these institutions' lies and enabled misinformation about them. The reason the misinformation is so potent is because these institutions deserve to be maligned, IMO.
The internet has both exposed these institutions' lies and enabled misinformation about them. The reason the misinformation is so potent is because these institutions deserve to be maligned, IMO.

Never underestimate the power of resentment, right?
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

Blame your fellow libs.
All sorts of reasons but I agree the echo chamber of the internet allows falsehoods to gain the imprimatur of truth by repetition.

What's the old quote? A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.

You have to be 100% insane to believe the internet leads to more misinformation than information. These institutions have lower approval because they’re being exposed for what they’ve always been and it’s actually lead to positive change (body cams for example).

Before the internet the same rumors always existed. The difference is with the internet you can determine the voracity of those things in a way you never could before
Sorry, but the biggest decline in trust started with the fake Russia collusion crap with Trump. Media totally latched on to this nothing burger. Then we had COVID. The garbage narrative continues to unravel here. These institutions are reaping what they have sown.
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

And this is the GOAL. That there no longer be any objective truth. Religion, family, nation, tribe and creed. All must be done away with.

There can be only the inexorable NOW, unmoored from the errors of the past, reflecting the current infallible wisdom of the collective. Supreme in its imperative and as unquestionable as it is ephemeral.

Thus may the masters better rule those beneficiaries of their lordship through mastery of their thralls in the media.
You have to be 100% insane to believe the internet leads to more misinformation than information. These institutions have lower approval because they’re being exposed for what they’ve always been and it’s actually lead to positive change (body cams for example).

Before the internet the same rumors always existed. The difference is with the internet you can determine the voracity of those things in a way you never could before

Completely accurate. LG only screams misinformation if it's against his fed gov.
All sorts of reasons but I agree the echo chamber of the internet allows falsehoods to gain the imprimatur of truth by repetition.

What's the old quote? A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.
That must be why the totalitarian regimes all want to control the internet - to protect their citizens from falsehoods
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.
I wonder if colleges, medicine, and the American dream are decreasing in trust.
It’s not disturbing, it’s a good thing. I’d hope people are waking up and starting to see what most of these institutions are all about.
The issue is that people are still pretty one sided about it. Or still stick with their side even knowing it's part of the problem.

People are tired of the tribalism but they've been fed it so much they cant see the forest through the trees.

Nothing is actually getting addressed or fixed and we desperately need fixes. Instead, all of the above institutions take the stance of it's better to not rock the boat or take respnsobility so the problems remain. They just sell "well at least we arent X" bs.
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It’s not disturbing, it’s a good thing. I’d hope people are waking up and starting to see what most of these institutions are all about.
Only if they're going to be completely honest about all. I'm guessing the distrust is very biased against the "other side" only. Similar to how congress had a 9% approval rating yet the same people got sent back every time. If this forum is an indicator then the echo chambers are real and very deep
Never underestimate the willingness if a liberal press who'll cover for the totalitarian party
Same with the right. How much did fox push Trumps bump stock bans getting struck down as unconsitutional? How much did they cover his spending? How much blame did they put on him at the time for leaving Fauci in charge?

The problem is neither sides holds their own responsible for their own actions. And it's all for the same old rhetoric.
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Same with the right. How much did fox push Trumps bump stock bans getting struck down as unconsitutional? How much did they cover his spending? How much blame did they put on him at the time for leaving Fauci in charge?

The problem is neither sides holds their own responsible for their own actions. And it's all for the same old rhetoric.

I agree, but you're talking one station against 6-8 other stations plus a ton of papers. His spending was absolutely crap, no doubt that. The Fauci issue was tough, the media was calling it an end of the world disease, it was to set up Trump to fail.
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This. I was going to add higher learning to that list.

Medicine is a tricky one. At the higher levels probably.

I think the medical field dealing with covid and whole kid sex change approval will hurt them. It's obvious they're bowing down to the whacko left when it comes to those 2 issues
Only if they're going to be completely honest about all. I'm guessing the distrust is very biased against the "other side" only. Similar to how congress had a 9% approval rating yet the same people got sent back every time. If this forum is an indicator then the echo chambers are real and very deep

Very true. The "I voted for that guy because he's not the other guy" attitude is all too prevalent.
Same with the right. How much did fox push Trumps bump stock bans getting struck down as unconsitutional? How much did they cover his spending? How much blame did they put on him at the time for leaving Fauci in charge?

The problem is neither sides holds their own responsible for their own actions. And it's all for the same old rhetoric.
And we saw what happened when he originally wanted to not sign one of the spending bills. Constant non stop attacks of how he was going to shut the government down and people would lose their jobs.

Then of course the media held Fauci up to a god-like status and criticized anyone else that was put in charge.
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

I still have trust in the Lord Mr. Huff. The Boy/Girl/They Scouts have always been a bunch of troublemakers that play with matches.
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