All Institutions Are Declining in Ratings

And this is the GOAL. That there no longer be any objective truth. Religion, family, nation, tribe and creed. All must be done away with.

There can be only the inexorable NOW, unmoored from the errors of the past, reflecting the current infallible wisdom of the collective. Supreme in its imperative and as unquestionable as it is ephemeral.

Thus may the masters better rule those beneficiaries of their lordship through mastery of their thralls in the media.

As if religion hasn't been an institution of deceit, control, lordship, etc.

The trust there is eroded because of the actions of the churches and the people associated with them, not because of someone's "goals".
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I agree, but you're talking one station against 6-8 other stations plus a ton of papers. His spending was absolutely crap, no doubt that. The Fauci issue was tough, the media was calling it an end of the world disease, it was to set up Trump to fail.
But if you want to be better you have to hold yourself accountable. The party, neighter party, is doing that.

Fox is still by far the most watched. More than double the second place. And it would take the next 4 combined to pass fox. So stop acting like its little ole fox vs the big bad meanie msm. Fox is the MSM.

Fox News Finishes First In October Cable News Ratings As MSNBC Drops 20% In Prime Time Key Demo
And we saw what happened when he originally wanted to not sign one of the spending bills. Constant non stop attacks of how he was going to shut the government down and people would lose their jobs.

Then of course the media held Fauci up to a god-like status and criticized anyone else that was put in charge.
No one else was put in charge. Fauci never would have been an issue if Trump did his job to lead. It's the presidents job to do the unpopular, especially during a crisis. Trumo never cared what the other media thought of him. That's not even the conversation, the conversation is that Fox didnt do it's part, maybe if Trump didnt have the biggest media agency supporting him unquestionably he may not have put Fauci in charge.

The only way things get better is if both sides stop worrying about the other guy and start paying attention to themselves.
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.
I don't disagree with any of the above, and would add corporate America to the list.

I honestly can't think of any major institution where trust isn't on the decline. The military bucked that trend for a long time, but polling data says trust in it is declining now as well.
That's actually one I'm not so sure is on the decline. Seems like the trust there has always been pretty low, but IDK. You could be right.
I'd say low, but has declined even further. The same can be said for the media; it was already low, but has declined even further over the last 5-10 years.
I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

The managed decline is called many things but it always results in shared misery
The managed decline is called many things but it always results in shared misery

Misery, like kids working in sweat shops, slavery, a domineering patriarchy, segregation and Jim Crow, lifestyles forced into the closet, etc?

I mean, it sucks that you can't hit your wife anymore with government, law enforcement, and church institutions allowing/enabling/empowering this, but to others, this is good change.
My trust in people wanes the older I get. Mainly due to seeing how inept people are at every level of government/position of power.
Ironically, my trust in myself has never been higher. At 50+ I know what I know. I am aware of my talents and my liabilities. I trust my judgement more now than at any other time. Perhaps, that is how most are at mid life.
I think the medical field dealing with covid and whole kid sex change approval will hurt them. It's obvious they're bowing down to the whacko left when it comes to those 2 issues

I think Covid had some to do with it, but they were getting information (albeit bad information) from higher levels. I think by and large people tend to trust the local hospitals and medical staff. Anything higher than that? Likely not.
All sorts of reasons but I agree the echo chamber of the internet allows falsehoods to gain the imprimatur of truth by repetition.

What's the old quote? A lie makes it half way around the world before the truth has a chance to put its pants on.
Sounds like we just need more censorship of the internets. That’ll fix it.
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Only if they're going to be completely honest about all. I'm guessing the distrust is very biased against the "other side" only. Similar to how congress had a 9% approval rating yet the same people got sent back every time. If this forum is an indicator then the echo chambers are real and very deep

You can’t realize they’re all the problem without first seeing part of them as the problem
You can’t realize they’re all the problem without first seeing part of them as the problem
Maybe by the vast majority will never even look past the other side. Especially with the way tribes have been formed
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I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

Here’s just another one of the thousands upon thousands of examples where public schools are declining.

On an everyday basis I am deflecting being attacked, scratched, headbutted, pushed, hit,” teacher Alicia Kelderhouse said as her voice choked with emotion. “I’ve had my hair pulled, and pulled down to the ground. I’ve had my throat gone for on multiple occasions. It’s on an everyday basis right now.”

Staff quit school district over violent and unruly kids
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As if religion hasn't been an institution of deceit, control, lordship, etc.

The trust there is eroded because of the actions of the churches and the people associated with them, not because of someone's "goals".

Ah, very true - but the injunction is that "if MY people who are called by MY name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

And thus, THATS the root of the problem. The people who call themselves Christians are not humble, are not praying and are not seeking His face.

To quote Alexis de Tocqueville: "“I sought for the greatness of the United States in her commodious harbors, her ample rivers, her fertile fields, and boundless forests–and it was not there. I sought for it in her rich mines, her vast world commerce, her public school system, and in her institutions of higher learning–and it was not there. I looked for it in her democratic Congress and her matchless Constitution–and it was not there. Not until I went into the churches of America and heard her pulpits flame with righteousness did I understand the secret of her genius and power. America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great!”
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I wish I could remember for sure where I heard this podcast conversation* and credit the guy who made the point, but he mentioned that basically all institutions are seeing approval ratings and trust decline.

Law enforcement
the court system
The 2 parties
Public schools
Boy Scouts

Questions: Disagree with any of the above? Are there any that aren't on the decline? Why are they on the decline (I think the internet is a big part of the explanation)? What did I forget to list?

*I think it was a convo about the movie She Said on Big Picture.

I have a feeling you know why if you accept the answer/s.

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