"All institutions transform into left-leaning entities"

The NRA is just desperate at this point, everyone has jumped the shark there. They'll latch onto any culture war they can to desperately keep some semblance of relevance.

By the way, do you think Donald Trump has ever owned a gun? Ever shot a gun?

Yes, DT owned and has shot a gun.
I thought it had a decent theme of libertarianism and/or soft anarchy in it.

I also like the reverse of Thoreau's quote. Never considered it before.

Where did you see it pulling away and continuing to divert from the premise?
As ND said, it assigns blame to one side. Then goes on to say that Trump was the fix without backing it up, and ignoring the orange flavor of corruption.

It also doesnt even question the Marxist march and infiltration. Gets to Mcarthyism pretty quick.
As ND said, it assigns blame to one side. Then goes on to say that Trump was the fix without backing it up, and ignoring the orange flavor of corruption.

It also doesnt even question the Marxist march and infiltration. Gets to Mcarthyism pretty quick.
I understand. I didn't take "left, left leaning, leftists" as to define one side of the political spectrum in a 2 party system. I took it more as the ideology one possesses inherently or by circumstances in order to desire to be a part of those institutions or stay in those institutions.

I also think the move left is relative to the ideology of those who founded the country and not the ideology of the moment.
I understand. I didn't take "left, left leaning, leftists" as to define one side of the political spectrum in a 2 party system. I took it more as the ideology one possesses inherently or by circumstances in order to desire to be a part of those institutions or stay in those institutions.

I also think the move left is relative to the ideology of those who founded the country and not the ideology of the moment.
I would agree but it makes it fairly clear later on it is referring to parties when it starts dragging Trump in. And the article doesnt mention that the founding geniuses were considered ideologically left in their day.

So is our republic merely the leftist corruption of a monarchy? Or because it was relatively libertarian does that clear it of any negative labels after the revolution.
I will have to read the article later. But I was talking about this the other day. Governments inherently veer left over time. People who believe government is the answer are leftists who are drawn to government and will do everything that can to use the power of the government as their tool. Meanwhile people who are repulsed by government get involved to a much lesser extent. It’s a losing battle under those circumstances. Libertarians and others can’t be discouraged they need to keep fighting.
I would agree but it makes it fairly clear later on it is referring to parties when it starts dragging Trump in. And the article doesnt mention that the founding geniuses were considered ideologically left in their day.

So is our republic merely the leftist corruption of a monarchy? Or because it was relatively libertarian does that clear it of any negative labels after the revolution.
I didn't glean as much Trumpish stuff as you did. I'm gonna read it again later today.
I will have to read the article later. But I was talking about this the other day. Governments inherently veer left over time. People who believe government is the answer are leftists who are drawn to government and will do everything that can to use the power of the government as their tool. Meanwhile people who are repulsed by government get involved to a much lesser extent. It’s a losing battle under those circumstances. Libertarians and others can’t be discouraged they need to keep fighting.
The article begins with introducing to the reader an aide to Margaret Thatcher who put some thought into the same thing you've observed.
That's true. I luvs me some DJT.

Actually, had he not added to the debt, I would likely think much more highly of his presidency.
But... mean tweets man. Egad MEAN TWEETS! Having an amiable dementia patient in charge that is burying our great great great grand children’s financial prosperity but doesn’t do mean tweets is clearly better.

And as I type this that asswipe came on the TV touting those damn unneeded checks going out. Such a dumbass.
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But... mean tweets man. Egad MEAN TWEETS! Having an amiable dementia patient in charge that is burying our great great great grand children’s financial prosperity but doesn’t do mean tweets is clearly better.

And as I type this that asswipe came on the TV touting those damn unneeded checks going out. Such a dumbass.
How are you gonna feel if at the end of Biden's 4 years he increased the debt but less than DJT?
How are you gonna feel if at the end of Biden's 4 years he increased the debt but less than DJT?
I’ll condemn them both as spend happy fools and have done so already. Most all of this “stimulus” is completely self inflicted pain and unneeded and they are both wrong.

However more to the point of your question I’m not terribly worried on that being the outcome right now. Only way it could happen I see is if the idiot progressives squander their window right now and don’t empty the check book before 2022 mid terms impose grid lock. No I’m not saying the Repubs will be fiscally conservative I’m just saying we tend to piss away less when we are in legislative grid lock.
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I will have to read the article later. But I was talking about this the other day. Governments inherently veer left over time. People who believe government is the answer are leftists who are drawn to government and will do everything that can to use the power of the government as their tool. Meanwhile people who are repulsed by government get involved to a much lesser extent. It’s a losing battle under those circumstances. Libertarians and others can’t be discouraged they need to keep fighting.

I will have to read later myself but good post.

As I have gotten older what I have noticed is the abuse of power in government. The formation of an elite class tells others what to do. In order to gain more power you have to create a storyline that gives you a mandate to do it.
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I didn't glean as much Trumpish stuff as you did. I'm gonna read it again later today.
it was just the one reference. but considering I didn't see any other direct references it stood out.

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