I was hesitant to post (not wanting to violate any site or forum "advertising" rules), but I'll be happy to post the link. Just give me a moment to switch from phone to computer.
Link to service (begins promptly at 11 am unless buffering problems. If it freezes up, you can also pull it up on Facebook page for Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church (PCA)
Bridwell Heights Presbyterian Church
I originally posted the bulletin information, but it took up so much room (couldn't copy the pdf). Also, didn't want to intrude in the forum with an overload of printed information not related to LV, so just posted the link to the service re: gule's request (and for anyone else interested).
If Freak or anyone thinks it inappropriate to post here, just please delete or move it to appropriate forum (if any on the site).
Our church's perspective is very conservative, reformed...S
ola Scriptura. We're in one of the conservative Presbyterian denominations (not the larger USA one).
You'll hear lots of scripture from both Old and New Testaments. Quotes from Calvin, Luther, the Puritans, Jonathan Edwards, Charles Spurgeon, R.C. Sproul, etc. Just so you'll know what to expect if that's not your cup of tea.
I will say this about our preacher. He's highly educated, young, and a firebrand. To be quite honest, I'd rank him alongside Billy Graham (not necessarily for theology, but for speaking ability), John MacArthur, etc. for keeping you engaged for 45-50 minutes (his sermons are not homilies). You may be inspired or you may get angry, but I can almost guarantee that you won't fall asleep.