Allah Removed From Indiana School Christmas Program

I love this part "The alteration was made because no other deities were named in the program."

ummm allah is the christian god too.
I love this part "The alteration was made because no other deities were named in the program."

ummm allah is the christian god too.

I know a lot of people who would argue that point with you. Christians I know have never called God the name Allah.

That's not my point. The parents were pleased with the program, but some outsiders caught wind of it.
I don't use allah for God. If you study what Islam calls god and what Judo/Christians call God, they are not the same. Study the relationship factor.
I don't use allah for God. If you study what Islam calls god and what Judo/Christians call God, they are not the same. Study the relationship factor.

care to explain? the old and new testament are included in the koran.
care to explain? the old and new testament are included in the koran.

Sure! The koran was written about 1600 years later. They included it because it was known text and they were trying to get both Jews and Christians to follow thier beliefs. But the relationship between God and man was changed in the koran. They believe that a person has do different acts to inter heaven, works if you will. Thats your only way to enter heaven. They do not view their god as a Heavenly Father were as Jews and Christians do.
Also, there is no relationship between God and man in the Muslim religion, unlike Chrisitanity.
Sure! The koran was written about 1600 years later. They included it because it was known text and they were trying to get both Jews and Christians to follow thier beliefs. But the relationship between God and man was changed in the koran. They believe that a person has do different acts to inter heaven, works if you will. Thats your only way to enter heaven. They do not view their god as a Heavenly Father were as Jews and Christians do.

how is that any different than say a fundamentalist baptist interpretation of the bible?
I love this part "The alteration was made because no other deities were named in the program."

ummm allah is the christian god too.

There are many original Hebrew names for God.....allah is not one of them.
how is that any different than say a fundamentalist baptist interpretation of the bible?

I'm not really clear with what you are asking but there is a BIG difference. Before I go into that let me go into "fundamentalist baptist". As you know denomanations are man made. Being a Baptist, Methodist, Pentacostal, Church of Christ, etc... is not going to save anyone. The denomanations are groups of like minded believers. The body of Christ is made up of many parts. Christ has to be the head of the Body. The donomanations make up the parts. IMHO that is the major problem in churches today. Everyone wants to say their way is the besy way. There is only one way and is through Faith and belief in Jesus Christ as ones Lord and Saviour. I am a Baptist by choice and Christian by the Grace of God.

How is it different? Do you hold, for example, Science books to be factual? Are there others out there that you hold to be true? If you do then you have a "faith" in that source. I have "faith" in what my Faith teaches me. Without faith, I have no hope, but with Faith, I have all hope.
i see your point and don't neccasarily disagree. but i guess i don't understand that if muslims believe that THEY believe in the christian god as to why it would be offensive to christians to mention allah. i.e. the muslims clearly are not pushing their beliefs in this particular matter it's just their word for god.
i see your point and don't neccasarily disagree. but i guess i don't understand that if muslims believe that THEY believe in the christian god as to why it would be offensive to christians to mention allah. i.e. the muslims clearly are not pushing their beliefs in this particular matter it's just their word for god.

That is a question for the people that protested. My kids know the truth. I would have no problem with it.
i see your point and don't neccasarily disagree. but i guess i don't understand that if muslims believe that THEY believe in the christian god as to why it would be offensive to christians to mention allah. i.e. the muslims clearly are not pushing their beliefs in this particular matter it's just their word for god.

Do you remember seeing on TV when they would show terrorist training camps? They would show one were they were training in a house. They would kick the door open and fire at wooden cutouts. If you looked at the cutouts, one had a Star of David and the other a Christian Cross. If they truly worshiped the same God as Jews and Christians, I really don't think that would be their targets.

Their faith, muslims, centers around allah. That is their sole purpose in life. If they really didn't object to the Christian God, then they would not kill members of their families that convert to Christianity. True Christians do not kill others that convert to another religion, they just pray for them. Noticed I used the words "true Christian", there are nut jobs out there in every religion. But even these nut jobs don't declare a jihad.
care to explain? the old and new testament are included in the koran.

Not really. That statement betrays your ignorance, not meaning to demean you personally but your statement isn't factual at all.

how is that any different than say a fundamentalist baptist interpretation of the bible?

It is different in many ways, chief of which islam demotes Jesus from son of God to just another prophet.

i see your point and don't neccasarily disagree. but i guess i don't understand that if muslims believe that THEY believe in the christian god as to why it would be offensive to christians to mention allah. i.e. the muslims clearly are not pushing their beliefs in this particular matter it's just their word for god.

You might reconsider what you are saying.

i.e. the muslims clearly ARE pushing their beliefs in ths particular matter on many levels, first and formost is their demotion of Jesus from 'Son of God' to prophet status.

Secondly the muslims recomend that anyone who denies the dogma of muhammad to have their head cut off, or at least pay a special dhimmi tax but the Christian doctrine is to preach the gospel and then to who would deny that gospel, shake the dust from your feet and depart.

The important distinction is that one offers a free choice and the other offers no choice.

That important difference in conception isn't hard to understand.
Not really. That statement betrays your ignorance, not meaning to demean you personally but your statement isn't factual at all.

It is different in many ways, chief of which islam demotes Jesus from son of God to just another prophet.

You might reconsider what you are saying.

i.e. the muslims clearly ARE pushing their beliefs in ths particular matter on many levels, first and formost is their demotion of Jesus from 'Son of God' to prophet status.

Secondly the muslims recomend that anyone who denies the dogma of muhammad to have their head cut off, or at least pay a special dhimmi tax but the Christian doctrine is to preach the gospel and then to who would deny that gospel, shake the dust from your feet and depart.

The important distinction is that one offers a free choice and the other offers no choice.

That important difference in conception isn't hard to understand.

Islam offers two choices....... conversion or death.
Not really. That statement betrays your ignorance, not meaning to demean you personally but your statement isn't factual at all.

It is different in many ways, chief of which islam demotes Jesus from son of God to just another prophet.

You might reconsider what you are saying.

i.e. the muslims clearly ARE pushing their beliefs in ths particular matter on many levels, first and formost is their demotion of Jesus from 'Son of God' to prophet status.

Secondly the muslims recomend that anyone who denies the dogma of muhammad to have their head cut off, or at least pay a special dhimmi tax but the Christian doctrine is to preach the gospel and then to who would deny that gospel, shake the dust from your feet and depart.

The important distinction is that one offers a free choice and the other offers no choice.

That important difference in conception isn't hard to understand.

Well said.
Adding the Flying Spagetti Monster would have spiced things up a bit...
Adding the Flying Spagetti Monster would have spiced things up a bit...

Flying ziti up betwinxt your buttocks.

You can even spell spaghetti properly.

Sometimes I wonder why you always act so stupid but then I realize, you ain't acting, are ya'?
This country wasn't founded on Islam. It's stupid that people get reprimanded for even saying the word Christmas. The politically correct crap is nonsense. Some people need a history lesson or go back to the middle east and stay there.
Well said.


The hardest possible thing to get discussion on is the recruitment of African Americans to NOI and other islamic groups, what they are taught and the possible (probable?) ramifications of such activity.

If only young (especially those harboring resentments) African Americans could be exposed to the real truth concerning islam and it's treatment of and attitude toward native sub-Saharan African people and of the history and even current Arab attitude toward slavery instead of a steady diet of half-truths and/or completely false assertions, they would be far less susceptable to falling prey imo to those who basically only want to use them as proxy soldiers.

Probably some of his close friends.


Dear leader removing shoes before entering the blue mosque for prayer in Istanbul, aka Constantinoble.


"I'm pleased that I'm able to call Prime Minister Erdogan personally a friend." Charlatan in chief.

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan:

There is no 'moderate islam', islam is islam, mosques are our barracks, domes our helmets, minarets our bayonets."

Bill Clinton had some fine friends as well.

..there was no genocide over Muslims in that enclave — the myth about the massacre of Muslims was invented by the late Bosnian Muslim war leader Alija Izetbegović and then-U.S. president Bill Clinton.....

Alija Izetbegovic, the George Washington of Bosnia??

"President Izetbegovic's personal courage helped the Bosnian people endure one of Europe's greatest tragedies since World War II. He was a determined leader and was instrumental in Bosnia and Herzegovina remaining a unified, multiethnic country."
US State department.

Izetbegovic called for:

"…the implementation of Islam in all aspects of individuals' personal lives, in family and in society, by the renewal of Islamic religious thought, and by creating a uniform Muslim community from Morocco to Indonesia...."

From "The Islamic Declaration" by Alija Izetbegovic, page 22:

"The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic faith and non-Islamic societies and political institutions."

page 32:
"The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media - the press, TV and film - should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed."

page 43
There is however a general rule: the Islamic movement should and must start to take over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough not only to overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority."

There was genocide and ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia during the Clinton administration but the victims were the Serbian Christians.

Muhammad Husseini - Hitler's Supporter writes: "It so happened that Husseini made his contribution to the Axis war effort in his capacity as a Muslim, rather than as an Arab leader. He did so by recruiting and organizing in record time, during the spring of 1943, Bosnian Muslim Battalions in Croatia comprising some twenty-thousand men, These Islamic volunteer units, called Hanjar (Sword), were put in Waffen SS uniforms and they fought Yugoslav partisans in Bosnia. They also carried out police and security duties in Hungary. They participated in the massacre of civilians in Bosnia and volunteered to join in the hunt for Jews in Croatia. The Germans made a point of publicizing the fact that Husseini had flown from Berlin to Sarajevo for the sole purpose of giving his blessing to the Muslim Nazi SS Army and inspecting its arms and training exercises.".

The new American and NATO supported state was modeled on its Nazi predecessor. The genesis occured when Croatia violently seceded from Yugoslavia in June 1991 as a direct result of the German-American strategy of using terrorist forces to break up Yugoslavia. Tudjman had been trained by U.S. forces. He was armed by Germany. He had U.S. fighter-bombers flying air support for his Croatian Army. As a result, his Ustashi drove another 250,000 Serbs from their ancestral homes.

The Ustashi flag flies in front of the United Nations. It flies in Jasenovac above the mass graves of 700,000 victims. And on May 1st, 1995, the Croatian army carrying the Ustashi flag, broke through the UN lines with the knowledge and support of Washington. They flooded into the so called "United Nations Protected Zone - West." The Serbs, who had been ordered by the international community to disarm had put down their weapons under UN supervision just days before. Now they were ripe for the slaughter. Ustashi tanks drove over civilians. Women and children were machine-gunned. A few thousand more were murdered in cold blood at pointblank range. All the while, the media praised the "liberation" of Croatia from those reprehensible Christians.

Alija Izetbegovic wanted to turn Bosnia into an Islamic state and secede from the Confederation.
Diana Johnstone, an independent journalist who has written extensively on the conflict in the Balkans writes: "To his own countrymen, Izetbegovic has made his beliefs clear, that once a country has a Muslim majority, it should be ruled according to Islamic law. Islam, he insists, rejects the Western secular division between religion and political power. In Bosnia, demographic trends have recently caused the Muslim population to exceed that of the Serbs and might soon constitute an absolute majority. The prospect of having to live as a minority in an Islamic state was unacceptable to the Serbs, who as Christians had for centuries been reduced to serf status under the Islamic Ottoman Empire, which accorded all social, economic and political privileges to Muslims.".

As with Bosnia's reborn Handzar Division, in Croatia Serb-cleansing found an aspiring Albanian volunteer, Agim Ceku. This Serb-hunting enthusiast high-tailed it to Croatia and became a colonel in the Croat army. He led Croatian troops in the 1993 offensive on Medak Pocket, where Serbs had been concentrated. Canadian journalist Scott Taylor wrote: "It was here that the men of the 2nd Battalion of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry came face to face with the savagery of which Agim Ceku was capable. Over 200 Serbian inhabitants of the Medak Pocket were slaughtered in a grotesque manner (the bodies of female rape victims were found after being burned alive).

Today, the mass murdering Ceku is the Prime Minister of Kosovo.

Throughout the NATO air campaign against the Serbian Christians, Ceku, who was commanding KLA terrorists, was portrayed as a loyal ally and was frequently included in NATO briefings with top generals such as Wesley Clark and Michael Jackson. Yet at the time he was driving the remaining Christian Serbs from their land, while harassing gypsies, Jews, Ashkalis, Gorani, and other non-Muslim or non-Albanians in Kosovo.

The self-proclaimed experts and leftist do-gooders were polluted by the fabricated tales of Albanian Muslims. They evidently weren't interested in talking with the real victims in this case - the people the Ustashi Roman Catholics and Bosnian/Albanian Muslims slaughtered. But to be fair, that's not easy these days because the NATO has enclosed the surviving Serbs in remote, tightly guarded refugee camps.

These Ustashi killers are released to a hero's welcome while Serbs are rounded up and treated like cattle, with many being convicted of killing people who are not actually dead.

And that means that Serbs are accused of killing people who are not actually dead while Coat Ustashi and Bosnian Muslims are acquitted of genocide. But that's understandable since murdering Christians has become an internationally sanctioned activity. Not only has the slaughter of 800,000 Christian Serbs been forgotten, so has the murder of 1,300,000 Armenian Christians by the Muslim Turks and 2,700,000 African Christians and Animists by the Sudanese Muslims.

Add almost 1,000,000 Assyrian Christians in Iraq.

And always when muslims take over, from the first century when the Tigris - Uphrates valleys were invaded and all signs of 600 years of Christian culture was completely destroyed, up to today in Kosovo where 200+ churches, monestaries and grave yards have been or are in the process of being erased from the view of future generations.

Today's Bosnia: Blame Santa

Though a strong tradition for the past half a century, a decision supported by the Islamic community and the nationalist Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) party has banned Santa from his usual pre-New Year's rounds to Bosnian nursery schools and kindergartens to hand out gifts to children.

Arzija Mahmutovic, the director of the Children of Sarajevo public institution, which operates 24 public kindergartens in Sarajevo, has refused to organize Santa's traditional visit, arguing that it is not in the spirit of Islam.

Meanwhile back at the ranch house here in America, most people seem to be drunk on:

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