. . . who thinks the Republican party has failed its base once again? Forgive me if I'm rehashing old news, but I can't help it. How long did the so-called conservatives have control of both Congress and the Presidency? 12 years? 16 years? And what do we have to show for it? F-ing nothing. And now, the best the party can muster as a candidate is John McCain? That is a complete failure as a party. What the he!! happened? Idiots. :banghead2:
If Ron Paul wasn't such an @$$candy on the war on terrorism (and such a weirdo), I'd be forced to vote for him. No who am I supposed to vote for?
He wasn't a candy@ss on the war. Just wanted war performed in a Constitutional manner (Congress declaring war) and he felt we should have also used these tactics...
Letter of marque - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
But either way, my feeling is this. I didn't choose Paul based on my disdain for the war like some people have (I supported the war, btw, but thought it was improperly executed under Rummy). My major issues were returning to fiscal responsibility, upholding the Constitution, the Mexican border, amending our tax system, and bringing back freedom. What good does it do for us to try to save people in the Middle East that don't want to be saved when we are loosing our rights and freedoms over here in the process? We're liberating Iraq and not securing our border here (an easy pathway for terrorists) and simultaneously letting lawbreaking aliens enter our country. Then, we are seeing our Republic collapse due to crafty monetary policy, runaway spending, runaway taxes, and the increase of collectivist/Marxist ideaology. Most of the other candidates (Romney, Huck, McCain, or Rudy) would not have pushed us in the right direction on any of these goals. Fred would have been a step in the right direction, but he didn't want it. Tancredo and Hunter would have been better alternatives and more conservative than McCain. Yet it is ironic that the most conservative candidates (Paul, Tancredo, Hunter, and Fred) are out and we are left with this crap in Huck and McCain.
If you GOP voters that are complaining would be honest with yourselves, you would look in the mirror, as well and blame yourselves. Instead of voting for candidates that had at least some of the conservative principles that they ran on in 1994, you settled for the "safe" moderate in McCain and Huck...
I blame the GOP in Congress and the GOP electorate for the mess we have right now.
I don't want to hear anymore crying about having to select between these two guys. You all made the bed, now you lie in it. I'll sit this one out and hope Hillary doesn't take our voting rights away by 2012 and wait for the next group of canadidates in the GOP...