It's still not confirmed if he's actually "there"... only that he was picked up this afternoon. There was a major pile up on I-75. No telling if he's there right now or not.
It's still not confirmed if he's actually "there"... only that he was picked up this afternoon. There was a major pile up on I-75. No telling if he's there right now or not.
heather harrington, former vol vollyball player and local sports personality on the animal and hottie. she just commented " He must of confused me with a vol hostess!!! Hahahahahaa" to the ambles remark.
I hate I missed this about Ambles being stuck in Charlotte. I could have sent my sons (huge vol fans) to get him and taken him partying :baloon: in Charlotte and introduce him to a few of their female friends :fireworks: so his time here wouldn't have been so bad. Then we could have driven him to Knoxville this morning.