Only talent show worth watching. At least it's more than just crappy singing. American Idol should commit suicide, I'd hand them a loaded gun.
Howard Stern > American Idol
So f'ing sick of crap like American Idol and the Kartrashian's. Miley Cyrus and every other trash business is cleaning up because of an illiterate fan base. My mom just passed away at the age of 50 and this trash continues destroying lives? The can go f*** themselves. If American Idol wasn't already trash enough, they hired Niki "I suck everything in sight" Minaj. Stupid B actually contemplated suicide because she wasn't making it famous. This is the world we live in. No fame = suicide. But if you have stupid kids giving you fame, all is well. If you though Marriah Carey was a stupid ho, imagine competing against the biggest ho of all-time because 12 year olds gave her claim to fame. Marilyn Manson should kill Niki Minaj and Lady Gaga in their sleep. Right after Alice Cooper kills Manson. This is coming from someone who loves Manson and doesn't care for Cooper. This generation is producing trash. Trash that makes billions. I always thought Gaga was garbage but jesus christ, she's amazing compared to Beiber and Cyrus. And Minaj, wish she had killed herself. I don't say that lightly. She actually claimed she thought about killing herself if it meant working a regular job if she couldn't be famous. What. The. F***. I hate this generation.