Amy Coney Barrett Supreme Court

That’s 52 solid yes votes without Collins.

Womp womp libs.

That’s 52 solid yes votes without Collins.

Womp womp libs.

Maybe they need to keep Mitch under wraps until Monday to make sure he can handle his job and keep them all in line. I've been wondering since we haven't heard differently about the dents and dings if Nancy cornered him in a dark alley.
They can even afford for Mitt to flip now
Mittens and even Alexander are on record that there is no valid reason to not move to fill the seat and they will vote on the candidate’s merits which are impeccable. Mittens sounds like he desperately wants the GOP to like him again and is trying to mend fences.
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Wouldn't it be something if this move by Collins flips enough voters in Maine for her to keep her seat?

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