An interesting picture

I sure hope Hilary is not president when we win our next one... I hope Obama is!

Your either on welfare or an illegal alien or hate your country. Hot meals to marines presently in combat have been reduced to save a buck, while we bend over backwards taking care of people that have not contributed a dime to this country. Only a few republicans are still stepping up to the plate, there all folding. Pull your head out of your a--
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Your either on welfare or an illegal alien or hate your country. Hot meals to marines presently in combat have been reduced to save a buck, while we bend over backwards taking care of people that have not contributed a dime to this country. Only a few republicans are still stepping up to the plate, there all folding. Pull your head out of your a--

I think he meant that he hopes we win a NC while Obama is still in office, not that he runs for pres again.
Political record since Vols have been sucking:

Democrat victories II
Democrat solutions 0
Socialist Tendencies IIIIIII
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Your either on welfare or an illegal alien or hate your country. Hot meals to marines presently in combat have been reduced to save a buck, while we bend over backwards taking care of people that have not contributed a dime to this country. Only a few republicans are still stepping up to the plate, there all folding. Pull your head out of your a--

Calm down, he was just saying he wants us to win a championship in the next 2 years, geez.
Calm down, he was just saying he wants us to win a championship in the next 2 years, geez.

Sorry, my bad then. Very sensitive subject for me and should be for all Americans. It pains me our government bends over backwards for criminals and individuals undermining our national security. Presently 100's of thousand presently serving and veterans can not get claims dealt with. Before you must be one of them I am not, just a veteran that is lucky. Will not post out of forum again.
You've already seen the worst in some people?

Wow. Mellow crowd here.

You go in the politics forum much?

....nothing near mellow in there.

someone makes an innocent joke and what follows is...

I sure hope Hilary is not president when we win our next one... I hope Obama is!

Your either on welfare or an illegal alien or hate your country. Hot meals to marines presently in combat have been reduced to save a buck, while we bend over backwards taking care of people that have not contributed a dime to this country. Only a few republicans are still stepping up to the plate, there all folding. Pull your head out of your a--





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Not sure if you missed the post he quoted or are just a decade late but we don't have a Bush in the white house now.

By the way he still gets blamed you would think he was.

Must have missed the post. Thank goodness for board police like you

Oh, I appreciate your smart a$$ comment. Thanks
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Public Service Announcement. Don't forget the "Ignore Thread" option. This thread is being corrupted by those who suckle at the teat of political media.

Sorry folks, the Rush Limbaugh's and Keith Olberman's of the world don't have your best interests at heart. They just want to make money by making you hate each other.

None of the 3 president's pictured are as bad as their enemies say, or as good as their champions say.
Sorry folks, the Rush Limbaugh's and Keith Olberman's of the world don't have your best interests at heart. They just want to make money by making you hate each other.

None of the 3 president's pictured are as bad as their enemies say, or as good as their champions say.

I could not agree with this post more. Politicians act as if they hate the other side. Behind closed doors they are making plans on what they will get from each other and how they can manipulate the media and us in the process.

The whole system needs to come down.

Starting IRS surveillance in 3,2,1,....
Bill was the best president we have had in the past 20 or so years. JMO
Bill was the best president we have had in the past 20 or so years. JMO

I agree with this, but the problem is he doesn't have much competition. I didn't have a big problem with Bush Sr. personally. I think Clinton was the last president in office where congress could argue and disagree, but **** would still get done.

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