Andrew Lindsey Starting Friday

I mean if you can't produce as a starting pitcher then it is time to give one of these dudes in the bullpen a chance....but man that means we can bring Dollander out of the
I believe Frank and Tony have been patient and hopeful the two big guys come around.
I bet Dollander will still start and Burns will be in pen - or get the weekend off.
Both guys are seemingly giving up an inordinate amount of 2-strike hits, walks and HBP.
Maybe a week will end the rut
Another thing.

Looking back, I don't believe Dollander or Burns have had what can be considered a "Quality Start" at least against a top-100 team. They've had 8 starts and neither are above .500 and have 3 no-decisions each and each have given up a lot of home runs. Their SO/Walk ratios are still good at about 5.

I wish I could see home many hits, walks, and HBP they are giving up with 2 strikes.
I'm a little surprised that CTV didn't try switching them back to their very successful roles last year first, but hey, he knows a little more than I do.
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I’m not surprised in the least. Something had to change. It will be interesting to see if this rotation shuffle lights a fire under Burns and Dolly. Both of them are far too talented to be struggling like they have been.
Just keeping the Hogs off balance, folks. After all...BACON is tasty. :cool:
I bet Drew Beam goes Saturday as they may be moving him eventually to Friday and want to give a full week's rest.

Sunday starter choice will be who doesn't come out of pen Friday or Saturday (Burns or Dollander)
I’d leave him as Sunday, it’s been successful. Do you think Sewell starts on Saturday?
I'm a little surprised that CTV didn't try switching them back to their very successful roles last year first, but hey, he knows a little more than I do.

I’m not surprised in the least. Something had to change. It will be interesting to see if this rotation shuffle lights a fire under Burns and Dolly. Both of them are far too talented to be struggling like they have been.
I really don’t think it has anything to do with effort and I don’t believe a fire needs to be lit. They’re extremely passionate guys that give their all, and I just think a change is needed to take some pressure off both those guys. Sometimes expectations become a huge roadblock, and I believe Tony and Frank are trying to release the valve a bit to take the building heat off them.
Wow bold move by coach TV like to know what Dollander and Burns really feels I'm sure it can go either way be a motive to get going or hurts their feelings where they don't care it happens but maybe not to this pitching staff
Wow bold move by coach TV like to know what Dollander and Burns really feels I'm sure it can go either way be a motive to get going or hurts their feelings where they don't care it happens but maybe not to this pitching staff
I feel certain that conversations were had with those guys to communicate the reasons why these changes were made. Tony and Frank are always looking out for the best interests of their players. That, you can be sure of.
Well, yeah.

I mean.

Kinda stunned silence here.

But it did need to happen. Neither Chase had been themselves yet this year.

We stand here, silent, at the turning of the tide.
TV gave the guys chances to get it worked out. Coach has to do what's best for the team. I know he didn't want to upset the apple cart , coaches have to make tough decisions. Hope the guys are ready for there next opportunity. GBO 💥
I really don’t think it has anything to do with effort and I don’t believe a fire needs to be lit. They’re extremely passionate guys that give their all, and I just think a change is needed to take some pressure off both those guys. Sometimes expectations become a huge roadblock, and I believe Tony and Frank are trying to release the valve a bit to take the building heat off them.

I’m not implying that it’s effort. Maybe my wording wasn’t appropriate. I’m just saying Dollander and Burns clearly need some type of spark to get them back to what they were. Maybe it’s a permanent change in the rotation. Maybe it’s a week off. Maybe it’s something else. But you don’t just forget how to pitch as well as those dudes can. They just need an assist.
I’m not implying that it’s effort. Maybe my wording wasn’t appropriate. I’m just saying Dollander and Burns clearly need some type of spark to get them back to what they were. Maybe it’s a permanent change in the rotation. Maybe it’s a week off. Maybe it’s something else. But you don’t just forget how to pitch as well as those dudes can. They just need an assist.
I agree with your statements.
I think it is a good move and believe it will help the pitchers. Sometimes preseason hype can be bad rather than good. The starters have had problems with giving up the long ball and getting out with two strikes on batters

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