Andrew Lindsey Starting Friday

I’m not implying that it’s effort. Maybe my wording wasn’t appropriate. I’m just saying Dollander and Burns clearly need some type of spark to get them back to what they were. Maybe it’s a permanent change in the rotation. Maybe it’s a week off. Maybe it’s something else. But you don’t just forget how to pitch as well as those dudes can. They just need an assist.
Let's hope it has a similar effect as Merritt's time off. He came back a different player.
I’d leave him as Sunday, it’s been successful. Do you think Sewell starts on Saturday?

Part of me agrees with keeping Beam on Sunday, but the other part of me thinks he's earned the Friday night start and the competitive juices to be #1 has to be motivating.

I know the pressure is different for a Friday night guy, but I wouldn't say there is more pressure on a Friday night starter than a Sunday starter - just different, especially a Sunday starter who is trying to prevent a sweep.
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I’m not surprised in the least. Something had to change. It will be interesting to see if this rotation shuffle lights a fire under Burns and Dolly. Both of them are far too talented to be struggling like they have been.
Will Sanders at South Carolina was having a tough go of it recently. They skipped his turn and had him workout of the bullpen for one week. He then came back and threw his best game of the year against LSU. Point being, it does work for some guys but only time will tell if it is the right move for Chase B.
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I don't know baseball, but I do know that in all of the many CTV's interviews I've watched, I've never heard him say a player needed more juice, more focus, or more commitment. Just the opposite.

He always expresses more concern that a guy is trying too hard, expecting too much from himself, or creating his own mental pressure rather than trusting his preparation to be in-the-moment and having fun with the opportunity to perform.
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Pitching has a mental aspect ... when you are having trouble visualizing success...then you start trying to muscle the ball ... or fine tune your aiming.
I know a young guy who is knocking around in the show ... he can strike out the side and look unhittable. Next game, same stuff and he's got the hitter in a hole and bam ... he 'misses a little on the location' and it's a home run. Now he has the 'head down' look and they go get him immediately, because his mind went to a bad place.
Sometimes it is as simple as you throw a great pitch in the perfect spot ... just knowing you are going to KO the hitter... and the hitter slaughter's the ball and your mind can go off the rail...and spin out of whack.

Steve's KO pitch was his drop curve. One game every batter he got in 1-2 or 0-2 count, he would try to KO them with his best pitch ... and they were lighting that pitch up. It wasn't that the pitch was off ... they had scouted him really well and recognized he liked to punch out hitters when he got them in a hole. So, they made up their mind to sit on that pitch and blast it they did.
He did not last 4 innings that game (you could see it, he mentally lost his way) ... there was nothing wrong with his location, pitch selection, or speed ... they were one step ahead of us.
We fixed it by making the catcher responsible for making all pitch selections and locations ... took the pressure off him and he was back to his old self .... because the catcher 'called' a different pitching game than he was used to ... it allowed him to throw and he was not really responsible for 'hits.'

It happens to hitters, too.
We had a hitter who was 0-30, to start the season, but he was hitting line drives at people and fielders were stealing hits ... it got to him, mentally. Ne was not hitting routine ground balls, he was mashing the ball...right at people.
Coach sat him down and said, how many strikeouts have you had this year .... "None." (Nobody else on the team could say that.) That's all it took. Changed his mental outlook and he ended up the season hitting above .400.

We do not have to be great all year, we do need to turn the corner and begin winning 2 out of 3 ... the most important thing is to be playing our best ball at the end of the year.
I am excited that TV has called an audible ... that is what makes him a great coach!!!
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I don’t have any issues with Dollander’s effort. I think he needs to find a way to tunnel his offspeed better. His high fastball is nice, but his changeup and slider don’t seem to tunnel that well off of it. I think he’s going to have develop a sharper curve or find a way to pitch lower in the zone. He’s quality pitcher but I think hitters in this conference have made effective adjustments against him this year
I don’t have any issues with Dollander’s effort. I think he needs to find a way to tunnel his offspeed better. His high fastball is nice, but his changeup and slider don’t seem to tunnel that well off of it. I think he’s going to have develop a sharper curve or find a way to pitch lower in the zone. He’s quality pitcher but I think hitters in this conference have made effective adjustments against him this year
I thought they added the curve this year and I thought that taking away from everything else.
@taylorvol what is your thoughts on the pitching shakeup

To me, it’s similar to sitting a struggling outfielder for a few games or moving a hitter down in the order to find a spark. I think we have the best coaching staff in the country, and feel that this was a prudent and well thought out decision to give us a “shot in the arm”. Pun intended. 👍👊😀😃🍊. I hope Lindsey crushes it tonight as he deserves it. He’s a Great story that I hope gets published soon.

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