Announcements- New Gurus and New Subforum

(volinasheville @ Jun 27 said:
Oh yeah I am ready. I have been inching into the heel turn for weeks now in preparation for this day's announcement of gurus. Cue the music.
Break it down.
(vols2345 @ Jun 27 said:
tiddy isnt even a guru?? this system blows.
Seriously 2345, did you read the guidelines we used? :banghead:
He hasn't been around for a year. Not that you would pay attention to something like, say, the first post in this thread.
(volinasheville @ Jun 27 said:
Oh yeah I am ready. I have been inching into the heel turn for weeks now in preparation for this day's announcement of gurus. Cue the music.
Do you have any footage of Freak doing a lounge act like the one DX broke out last night on Vince?
That was truly embarrassing TV. One of the hazards of your life being lived on video is that you will live long enough to regret some decisions.
(volinasheville @ Jun 27 said:
Is there any irony in a guru saying the system of making gurus blows?
The system still had some loopholes when 2345 made GURU.
(volinasheville @ Jun 27 said:
That was truly embarrassing TV. One of the hazards of your life being lived on video is that you will live long enough to regret some decisions.
Nothing like seeing a band that included George Steele and Brutus Beefcake.

Well, I may not be a GURU but on Saturday I get to drive 45 minutes east and see the shuttle go up live and in person. If I don't want to drive I can just go to my front lawn. Can't see the windows on it from there, but I can make out pretty much everything else.
Congrats and welcome to all the "Gurus." Wow, how this board has grown. Obviously, Freak didn't ask me when deciding if Gator fans got the privilege of achieving such lofty status. Just kidding; you two (NC and LG) are welcome anytime (so long as we beat the stew out of Florida this year. . . .if not, then go to H-E-double hockey stick).

Keep it kicking and spread the word.
(lawgator1 @ Jun 27 said:
Well, I may not be a GURU but on Saturday I get to drive 45 minutes east and see the shuttle go up live and in person. If I don't want to drive I can just go to my front lawn. Can't see the windows on it from there, but I can make out pretty much everything else.

Nice, that's on my things to do list.
Thank you Freak, and thanks everyone!

This is a fabulous board filled with delightful and insightful folks.
I'm proud to be a part of it all.

Does this mean Hat now has to finally for the love of Mike, pick an avatar?
Guru's......hard to see any in skimpy clothing sitting atop a mountain.....bad thoughts must be purged.
(hatvol96 @ Jun 27 said:
I am humbled. Well, as humbled as I ever am.

Thanks for that clarification hate. For a second I thought I was going to have to lose a little respect for you. lol
Dang, if I could just get those last 600+- posts. I could get me a title to.
(CSpindizzy @ Jun 28 said:
Guru's......hard to see any in skimpy clothing sitting atop a mountain.....bad thoughts must be purged.

Spin, I think you have sherpas and guru's mixed up.
Since when do Guru's sit atop mountains? When does anyone sit on a mountain scantily clad?
(Orangewhiteblood @ Jun 28 said:
Nice, that's on my things to do list.

It has always amazed me how little people appreciate the effort and scientific marvel of the space program. I live about 30 miles east of Disney and about 30 miles west of Cape Canaveral. People go nuts to be at Disney. But just over there on the coast is the marriage of man's greatest dreams and endeavors, with man's greatest scientific and mechanical achievements.

If you can ever go to one, I highly recommend it. If at all possible, go to one where the sun is either setting or its dark. Quite a sight when the thing lights and its like noon out. And if you are on one of the causeways and the sound comes rumbling across the intracoastal waterway. Incredible and exhilarating.

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