I wish UT powers that be would hire Ron Franklin who was fired from ESPN a couple of years ago to do UT Football Games and fire Bob Kesling so I could listen to UT Radio Network again. I think Bob does a good job for Lady Vols BB games but that's where it ends for me. :salute:
Bob doesn't call the LV bball games. Mickey Dearstone does, but you are right. It's the one talent Mickey does have. He calls a game well, really does a nice job of painting a picture for you as you listen. I wish he could do the men's games with BB instead of BB and Kesling tbh.
However, Mickey is a complete tool and d-bag to the T, Power T. He is god-awful on the radio and Jeff Jacoby is the only one that I can stand on the morning show. He should stick to program directing and calling games.