Another interesting 9/11 video I ask people watch

People that think most of the troops coming home will happen within two years are kidding themselves.

Iraq is not even halfway prepared to take over.

Good lord, not even halfway.

I get tired of reading articles stating Iraq is in total chaos (it is not) or very safe (far from it).

(dan4vols @ Mar 27 said:
Our naval and air power linked up with a division of quick strike footsoldiers would be able to deal with almost any scenario of that type. Let just bring ours home and take care of our own .

Iraq's problem can not be solved in the air.

Foot patrols are the type of force needed.

Air Support is helpful but this type of war is needed to be on the ground
(U-T @ Mar 27 said:
Iraq's problem can not be solved in the air.

Foot patrols are the type of force needed.

Air Support is helpful but this type of war is needed to be on the ground
I think Dan is trying to say he'd like to see the military ingeneral turned into a quick strike force rather than having the ability to occupy a country... in other words, not fight a war like we have in Iraq ever again... Not that I terribly agree. We need more than a standard Defense Force to be prepared for possible conflict with the Chinese.
(U-T @ Mar 27 said:
Again, do I believe it? No, I really don't.

But, it brings up a lot of points that seem....uh...weird to me

Granted, they continue talking about controlled explosives yet can never show me a previous sky-scraping one that compares to it.

I think all these 9-11 conspiracy theories are bogus. Way too many people involved to be able to form a conspiracy. How would you keep the 100's of people silent?

I think a better arguement is, dont all building collapses appear to be controlled explosions? Unless the wind knocks it over its coming straight down?

I think its ridiculous we can't leave Iraq because basically Bush doesnt want to admit it was a mistake. Divide the country into 3 pieces, shiities, sunni, and Kurds, let them rule themselves and get out. Of course that makes too much sense and is too cheap.
(oklavol @ Mar 28 said:
Divide the country into 3 pieces, shiities, sunni, and Kurds, let them rule themselves and get out.

That would last all of about 10 hours
(U-T @ Mar 28 said:
That would last all of about 10 hours

I think the U.S. will eventually leave because of falling public opinion and $ (around the next presidential election) and Iraq will decline into civil war. When the civil war ends, the truce that is reached will divide the country into sections where the sunni, shities, and kurds rule themselves in their own provisional government. I think thats the only way that country can have any peace.
I heard a discussion about this earlier this week and some Iraquis were saying that they thought civil war would not happen since despite the differences there had been a lot of intermarriage between Shiites and Sunnis and the two branches had been effectively intertwined in their everyday lives for many years. :dunno:
(GAVol @ Mar 29 said:
I heard a discussion about this earlier this week and some Iraquis were saying that they thought civil war would not happen since despite the differences there had been a lot of intermarriage between Shiites and Sunnis and the two branches had been effectively intertwined in their everyday lives for many years. :dunno:

Well the other idea would be to kill all the sunnii. :gun:
:lol: You're both wrong... The Shiites comprise 60% of Iraq's population, while the Sunnis and Kurds each account for about 20%. Here's a linky...

Population numbers

Just read the third and fourth paragraphs.
That's what I get for delving into Islam. :focus:

Thanks for clearing that up. I was pretty sure it wasn't the Kurds. I always get the Shiites and Sunnis confused.
(Volunteer @ Mar 29 said:
GAVol, bad smiley to use when talking about Islam, just thought I would point that out.
Is lighting farts on fire banned by the Quran??? :biggrin2:
(Orangewhiteblood @ Mar 27 said:
But anyway, what's done is done and we're stuck with Iraq for better or for worse.

OWB - this is a great point. I think what you were driving at earlier was how the current adminitration used the fear evoked by 9/11 to invade Iraq - using it as a free pass to do what they felt needed to be done. Personally I am glad to see him gone but I don't agree with the means that we have used to get there.

and for those with delusions of grandure - think that they can "split the country" take a look at Israel and Palestine.
(VOLracerx @ Mar 30 said:
OWB - this is a great point. I think what you were driving at earlier was how the current adminitration used the fear evoked by 9/11 to invade Iraq - using it as a free pass to do what they felt needed to be done. Personally I am glad to see him gone but I don't agree with the means that we have used to get there.

and for those with delusions of grandure - think that they can "split the country" take a look at Israel and Palestine.
True, but the example of Israel is a tad extreme isn't it? Islam vs. Judea, not Islam vs. Islam...
It has to starts somewhere; it might be extreme but people kill each other for a lot less. I do think that there are parts of Iraq that are nice and peaceful - where people are going on with life as usual, but the presence of an uprising or civil war is looming over the horizon. Too many people want to be in control and the people will never see it as fair representation.
(oklavol @ Mar 28 said:
I think the U.S. will eventually leave because of falling public opinion and $ (around the next presidential election) and Iraq will decline into civil war. When the civil war ends, the truce that is reached will divide the country into sections where the sunni, shities, and kurds rule themselves in their own provisional government. I think thats the only way that country can have any peace.

The only thing I seem to enjoy reading are those that think a Civil War will 100% happen or 100% won't happen. The answer lies right in between.

Reading the media reports, you either get the sense it is one or the other.

In three years, I still think a Civil War does not break out yet the work to be done will still be massive

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