The truth is Archie had a heavy hand in where Peyton and Eli went to college and even had a very heavy hand in what teams they would play for in the NFL. He had places and coaches he definitely would not allow them to attend. Just go back and read the press clippings of Peyton and how much respect Archie had for Cutclffe who both Peyton and Eli played for in college. Next read about NFL teams and perhaps owners who Archie would not allow his sons to play for, one of which was San Diego who was warned if they drafted Eli, he'd simply sit out that year and reenter the draft the following year if necessary. San Diego didn't believe them and drafted Eli anyway. He refused to talk with them at all other than demanding they trade him, which they did to the Giants and got something for him as if they had not traded him they'd have gotten nothing. Don't be fooled, the elder Mannings may not require their youngsters to go to a specific school but they certainly have redlines where they won't go for doggone sure.