Anti-Trump Hysteria And Silliness II

It’s childish at this point. Would you like to discuss something relevant? If not, let’s agree to disengage.
Listen do not wade into the deep end without your arm floaties and start throwing virtue BS and busting out multiple logical fallacies and then try to play the high ground here, Einstein. You’re free to stop posting anytime you like.
Listen do not wade into the deep end without your arm floaties and start throwing virtue BS and busting out multiple logical fallacies and then try to play the high ground here, Einstein. You’re free to stop posting anytime you like.

Advice taken ☺️
LOL, he could do that at MSESPN and reach his audience, there's no way this wasn't a thanks but we gotta let you go, situation.
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Joe Scarborough prefers Putin over Trump - says Trump would "kill reporters," and says that even though Putin does kill them, he still answers tough questions.


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