Any chance......



Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2008
that Dobbs is brought in by games end this weekend? Worley has not looked comfortable in first 2 games this season. O Line has done well, just seems Worley holds on to the ball forever.....when he does release it is usually off his back foot or sails harmlessly behind WRs.
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Nope. He's at best the third-string QB and according to reports Ferguson is ahead of him too. People need to accept that there's a reason Worley's on the field and that reason is he's the best QB right now.
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There isnt a single shred of a chance that Dobbs sees the field. Unless Worley, Petermen, and Furgy go down with injury. I understand the anticipation with Dobbs, but he is greener that the others in front of him and hasnt taken a snap at the college level. Compound that with the fact we are playing in one of the loudest stadiums in the nation.
RockyMountainVol, I hate to derail your thread right out of the chute, but I must say that I absolutely love your avatar. I visited Maroon Lake almost exactly one year to the day after that photo was taken. 'twas just as beautiful, but, of course, no early snow that year.

Now to your question, Butch has made a point of emphasis that he does not want to undermine our quarterbacks' confidence by exercising a quick hook. Barring injury, I would be very surprised to see him burn Dobbs' redshirt for mop-up duty, particularly this early in the season and in an extremely hostile environment to boot.
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Worley is the Starter.

Peterman is his backup.

Dobbs will be red-shirted.

End of thread, I have spoken, bow down before me!

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People need to forget about Dobbs for the time being.

Ferguson is ahead of him based on everything reported in camp, so Dobbs is basically 4th string. I'm not making this up. He could be a stud, but right now, he's a true true true freshman.
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I saw this guy playing flag last week and he could really zing it. Why in the heck is Butch not taking a look at him.

Gentlemen this weekend is the test for the team and the field general. Let it play out and then we will have plenty of things to discuss,
Guy Dobbs isn't Tee Martin okay he isn't going to lead us to a national championships just because he's black. Why are people so obsessed with a freshman 3rd string qb. Jesus.
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There isnt a single shred of a chance that Dobbs sees the field. Unless Worley, Petermen, and Furgy go down with injury. I understand the anticipation with Dobbs, but he is greener that the others in front of him and hasnt taken a snap at the college level. Compound that with the fact we are playing in one of the loudest stadiums in the nation.
you forgot about aj johnson it goes worley petermen furgy the beast then dobbs
It was just a question. I live out in Colorado, so I do not have the insights most people have.

Thank you all for answering my questions.
Thank you...I love the Rocky Mountains and we get a true fall season which starts mid September! Snow by October. I am a Johnson City native, miss it, but love these mountains as well. No humidity, 2 hours behind the East Coast, and great overall weather. Denver has one of the better downtowns in the US.

RockyMountainVol, I hate to derail your thread right out of the chute, but I must say that I absolutely love your avatar. I visited Maroon Lake almost exactly one year to the day after that photo was taken. 'twas just as beautiful, but, of course, no early snow that year.

Now to your question, Butch has made a point of emphasis that he does not want to undermine our quarterbacks' confidence by exercising a quick hook. Barring injury, I would be very surprised to see him burn Dobbs' redshirt for mop-up duty, particularly this early in the season and in an extremely hostile environment to boot.
Guy Dobbs isn't Tee Martin okay he isn't going to lead us to a national championships just because he's black. Why are people so obsessed with a freshman 3rd string qb. Jesus.

yes unfortunately we did not have a Travis Henry, Jamal Lewis, or Shawn Bryson to hand the ball off to or a Peerless Price or Jermaine Copeland to throw the ball to.
that Dobbs is brought in by games end this weekend? Worley has not looked comfortable in first 2 games this season. O Line has done well, just seems Worley holds on to the ball forever.....when he does release it is usually off his back foot or sails harmlessly behind WRs.

No He will not play. Undoubtedly The coach thinks Worley is better. I guess you could try and get the job and start Dobbs.
If butch thought so highly of Dobbs, he would be running with he second team at least. If Worley can't get it done, then you will see Peterman first.
If butch thought so highly of Dobbs, he would be running with he second team at least. If Worley can't get it done, then you will see Peterman first.

Based on what I've seen, let's pray that doesn't happen. Has Peterman even thrown a pass in a game yet? All I ever see is him do is handing it off in the same ole' formation, to the same person (Summerhill).

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