(OrangeEmpire @ Jan 20 said:
I have finally found someone to talk too!
Do you also like military history?
If so you are my new best internet friend! :bow:
P.S. Did you get giddy in Star Trek Nemesis when the Enterprise in the final battle started flipping axis when the shields started weakening?
The military history thing is sort've a trick question. I was seriously into the Revolutionary War and WWII when I was a kid, as well as military aircraft through WWII (probably my biggest interest). I built some way-over-the-geek-line dioramas and my cieling was a cluster of different plane models arranged in historical and typical dogfights and battles, complete with realistic damage (I actually had 50 caliber machine gun & 20 and 30 mm cannon damage down to scale).
Over time, though, it started to make me feel kind've creepy. On one hand, the boy scout side of me loves public servants including service people. On the other, the homo sapiens sapiens side of me thinks the fact that we need them is proof that Cro Magnons aren't extinct, they just learned how to imitate us.
Basically, at this point I'm still a history channel junky, but I tend to concentrate more on obscure and weird details now- i.e. did you know that the Mig the Soviets flew for the Chinese in Korea were actually planes developed by the Nazis in '43 with newer jets and a necessarily reinforced vertical stabilizer and that they were still superior to anything we flew? Thank the gods Hitler got pissed off in '40 and shifted all the weapons-development funding into the V-weapons.
I only vaguely remember- I think- the Nemisis scene. I do know it always kind've irritated me off that the ships came at each other not only in the same orientation but the same plane. I also used to really wish they'd one day beam into a lightly damaged but unmanned ship mysteriously floating in space with goo all over the aft walls and someone would say, "Oh... damn! Lucky hit on the inertial stabilizers......"
MV....realize that even with Kane gone there are still her crew who are indoctrinated, brainwashed, or 'insert any other adjective here' on board. The same ones who knocked Chief and Helo around are still there and others probably think like them. Even though the squishy inebriated XO (see a recurring themes with XO's?) is moving up, I still think Kane-think will prevail on Pegasus. Even Starbuck was beginning to wonder if Kane was right
CSpin- that's what I meant by Kane had perverted most of her command crew with her nationalistic-esque, end-justifies-the-means attitude, so even if they got rid of her a little earlier than I would've liked, the issues will survive.
I just wanted them to keep up the "Good Guys contemplate mutiny" side of things awhile before they switch over to the "Bad Guys (Kane's perverts) contemplate mutiny" theme thats pretty much got to be coming. I like irony, and the long the show kept justifying Adama/ the Prez's plans for mutiny, the better the irony will be when the show starts condemning Kane's-perverts' plans for mutiny.