Oh good grief! Seriously? (Maybe you forgot to blue font that, and I'll apologize.)
Like they
could've landed better players but instead chose the ones they got!
Recruiting is not like going to the butcher shop, pointing through the glass case and saying, "I want that one, that one, aaand the one next to that one..."
The success rate for a car salesman is about
2% -- they sell a car to only 2 out of every 100 customers
who come to them looking for a car. They're usually competing against only 4-8 other dealerships.
We're competing against at least 20-30 solid-to-excellent teams for every top recruit out there! The families are shopping, listening, developing trust relationships, and their teenage boys are trying to be smart with the biggest decision of their inexperienced lives.
The coaches are also shopping, looking for any reason why this boy might not fit their position coach's style, might not flourish here, might not be conducive to a great locker room.
Getting to the top tier, getting to where you're choosing between this 5-star and that 5-star, is the hardest climb in sports. How many teams
ever make it to that level? How many years did it take us the first time, from Dickey to Battle to Majors to Fulmer, to become that shining destination program landing top 5 classes every year? Thirty years. And recruiting is much more competitive now than it was then.
Every recruiting win today deserves its own celebration.

Maybe that should become a new Vols fans tradition -- enjoy the wedding reception and the congratulations, instead of sitting down in front of a computer and comparing your new bride to all the other women who got married that month.
Just a thought.