Any thoughts on Rosie's comments RE: "radical" Christianity?

No idea. I guess my point is though that if something like that happened, it was due to the ignorance of the Pastor and not an edict from Southern Baptists as a whole.
It came from their fundamental reading of the Bible. It is in Thomas.
So not allowing women to lead or preach is not radical in the US?

Agree with it or not, it's definitely not exclusive to Southern Baptists. And there are plenty of leadership roles filled by women within Southern Baptists Churches everywhere, just not as Deacons or Pastors.

This is what I disagreed with Rosie O'Donnell about. You seem to be equating women not being able to Pastor a church and Islamists not allowing women to become educated.
Or as has been mentioned, what of people like Falwell and Robertson calling 9/11 judgment from God and Falwell saying "blow them all away in the name of the Lord". Or that Kansas church calling on killing of gays and saying the soldiers who died in Iraq are judgment by God on a gay-friendly nation....
I didn't say it was exclusive. I just brought them up specifically for the point. So there's nothing wrong with the viewpoint of women need to sit in the pews and have socials and teas and not say anything within the church, especially to a man?
Agree with it or not, it's definitely not exclusive to Southern Baptists. And there are plenty of leadership roles filled by women within Southern Baptists Churches everywhere, just not as Deacons or Pastors.

This is what I disagreed with Rosie O'Donnell about. You seem to be equating women not being able to Pastor a church and Islamists not allowing women to become educated.
They do not have to agree on the same issues for each to be dangerous when taken to the extreme. The fact is that segments from both Protestant Christianity and Islam have committed acts of violence, in the name of God, and have faced little public condemnation from their respective faiths.
How are Christians as bad as the other? We don't fight til either we are attacked first, or if there is a reason for us to start it so that we never get attacked, or if a weaker country needs help. Rosie is a complete idiot. she's a loud mouth homo. she never thinks she is wrong, if she's so smart she should run for president, i'm sure it would b a landslide for the political party running against her, which would b the republican party, and that would b awesome

Militant Christainity is what started the Holy Wars against militant Islam. Militant Christianity/Judaism is what sparked all religious battles in Old Testament history. It was not uncommon for God to send his people out to destroy the enemy to further his cause agianst the Gentiles of the day. Who basically were the peoples of today arabic/islamic cultures. The concept is nothing new. It's just an effective one that America has abandoned in dealing with people that wish to destroy you.
They do not have to agree on the same issues for each to be dangerous when taken to the extreme. The fact is that segments from both Protestant Christianity and Islam have committed acts of violence, in the name of God, and have faced little public condemnation from their respective faiths.

That's the best I've seen you expalin your point on this matter. Very well put.
I didn't say it was exclusive. I just brought them up specifically for the point. So there's nothing wrong with the viewpoint of women need to sit in the pews and have socials and teas and not say anything within the church, especially to a man?

This approach of putting words into others' mouths is getting old. Nowhere has anyone claimed there is "...nothing wrong with the viewpoint of women need to sit in the pews and have socials and teas and not say anything within the church, especially to a man?"

That would be like me saying that you are saying there is absolutely no difference between the actions listed above and the stoning/beheading of women for disobeying their husband or showing some skin. I doubt you are implying that (at least I hope not).
They are both just as dangerous although the numbers game is quite different for either. Killing doctors, bombing abortion clinics, and OK City are just a few examples of what these types do.

Whoa!!! What makes you think Rudolph and McVeigh were Christians??? Being a white guy living in the US and going to church on Easter and Christmas doesn't make you a Christian.
McVeigh certainly never expressed any religious belief in association with his attack on the Alfred P. Murrah building. His hate for the US was pretty much sealed in Waco, TX.

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