Anybody else heard that Bo Hardegree is leaving?

A short list of things just as relevant to UT's football fortunes as Bo Hardegree's status: 1. The brand of weiner used in Neyland Stadium hot dogs. 2. The playlist of the Pride of the Southland. 3. Who recites the game maxims on the Jumbotron. 4. The availabilty of butter flavored topping for stadium popcorn. 5. How many people Trooper Taylor high fives on the Vol Walk.
A short list of things just as relevant to UT's football fortunes as Bo Hardegree's status: 1. The brand of weiner used in Neyland Stadium hot dogs. 2. The playlist of the Pride of the Southland. 3. Who recites the game maxims on the Jumbotron. 4. The availabilty of butter flavored topping for stadium popcorn. 5. How many people Trooper Taylor high fives on the Vol Walk.
Hardegree is Exhibit 1 as to why bringing in a player to help procure another is a risky proposition. Brooks ended up wasting two scholarships, his and the one we used on Hardegree.
Hardegree is Exhibit 1 as to why bringing in a player to help procure another is a risky proposition. Brooks ended up wasting two scholarships, his and the one we used on Hardegree.
it worked out well with Benji Shuler as well.:thumbsup:
Hardegree is Exhibit 1 as to why bringing in a player to help procure another is a risky proposition. Brooks ended up wasting two scholarships, his and the one we used on Hardegree.
Allan Houston was probably worth his scholarship, but the enormous baggage we accepted to get him set the program back to the point that we're just now fully recovering.
Heath was already here. Bringing in Benji was simply the coaching staff wasting a scholarship to keep their QB happy.
Heath was already here. Bringing in Benji was simply the coaching staff wasting a scholarship to keep their QB happy.
i know, but they gave that scholly to him in hopes that it would keep Heath here for one more year. didn't work and we were stuck with a bench warmer for what 3 years?
The sad thing is, we weren't even assured of getting Alan when Wade was hired. UT President/Ex-Governor/Current Senator/Vandy Grad/Total Idiot Lamar Alexander had made up his mind to force that hire upon the Athletic Department. The only time I can say Doug Dickey should have been given total power to make a basketball hire.
The sad thing is, we weren't even assured of getting Alan when Wade was hired. UT President/Ex-Governor/Current Senator/Vandy Grad/Total Idiot Lamar Alexander had made up his mind to force that hire upon the Athletic Department. The only time I can say Doug Dickey should have been given total power to make a basketball hire.
The sad thing was the state of UT hoops for the ensuing 10 years.
Not really. The Houston and Green eras were actually good for several moments of high comedy. The O'Neill era was good for some blue humor. Buzzball provided a Theater of the Absurd fix.
Not really. The Houston and Green eras were actually good for several moments of high comedy. The O'Neill era was good for some blue humor. Buzzball provided a Theater of the Absurd fix.
Particularly sad was the level of talent wasted with Green at the helm. Meltdown against UNC is my personal worst UT hoops memory. Ernie & Bernie going down is a close second, even though I was a very young pup.
At the time, the loss to the Heels was crushing. However, given the propensity of the mouthbreathing homer portion of our fanbase for letting a coach live forever off past accomplishments, it turned out to be for the best. Had Green made the Elite Eight, he'd probably still be here. Had we gone on to beat Tulsa and reach the Final Four, Coach Jed would have received a lifetime contract.
Not really. The Houston and Green eras were actually good for several moments of high comedy. The O'Neill era was good for some blue humor. Buzzball provided a Theater of the Absurd fix.

I actually enjoyed the Green years. They were sandwiched between pitiful years.
You must really enjoy watching incompetently coached basketball. Coach Jed did such a good job for us that the only job he can get now is as Kelvin Sampson's gopher.
Well, compared to UT basketball right before and right after Jerry Green, it was a big difference. I liked to see us actually win some games.
Watching the Green years was comparable to watching someone use thoroughbreds to plow a field. You might get a decent crop, but you know the horses could be used much more productively.

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