Anybody else heard that Bo Hardegree is leaving?

I never said Jerry Green was competent. I'm just comparing the years before him and the years right after him. His teams were fun to watch compared to the 5-22 1993 team. That's all I'm saying.
I am pretty sure that hardegree has left the football team to play on the tennis team...
Really??? Have you ever heard of "doing the leastest with the mostest."

Yeah, that's amazing that he won 20+ games each year, going 26-7 in his last year after we went 90-113 the 7 years prior. He sure did put a dent in our tradition rich basketball program, huh?:crazy: I have no idea how he could have been so terrible with all of those NBA stars on our team.
The sad thing is, we weren't even assured of getting Alan when Wade was hired. UT President/Ex-Governor/Current Senator/Vandy Grad/Total Idiot Lamar Alexander had made up his mind to force that hire upon the Athletic Department. The only time I can say Doug Dickey should have been given total power to make a basketball hire.

I supported the hiring of Houston. It was a makeup move for our inability in the, then racially segregated SEC,to give him a scholarship when he (Wade) was in college. Just as we were the leader in the first African-American(Lester McClain) to play football in the SEC it was important for UT to be progressive in hiring one of the first head basketball coaches. As an alum I am proud of that.

So what Wade didn't work out as a coach. He had never been a head coach before. He did handle himself with class and dignity. We took a chance (just like the Chicago Bears took a chance with Lovie Smith). Besides, the last few years of DeVoe wern't worldbeaters anyway!
Rocydoc, I too was happy UT chose to be the first SEC school to give an African American coach a shot in a major sport. However, I would have been much happier had they used actual competence as a measure and hired Leonard Hamilton instead of hiring a guy because Lamar Alexander knew his family. I supported the concept. I was always steadfastly opposed to the individual called upon to implement said concept, as well as the process used.
Re: OrangeSquare being banned a PJ.

He got into an arguement with a mod. concerning why he was banned from here. He just wouldn't let it go and got kind of insulting and banned. Dude didn't know when to let up.
Is Leonard Hamilton the guy who trashed the U's basketball program or am I thinking of someone else..
Leonard Hamilton got Miami to the Sweet 16, then left for an ill fated year in the NBA. He is now slowly building FSU to an NCAA tournament level program. Perry Clark followed Hamilton and did crash the program. Frank Haith isn't exactly setting the world on fire there now.
The lure of the NBA seems to be too strong for several college basketball coaches only to be wadded up and thrown into the trash heap. The good old boy network in the NBA is very hard to break into for good college coaches.
Bo Hardegree supposedly looked better then Ainge or Clausen at times in 2005. With Nick Stephens I think he's probably 4th string now. Probably just a scout team QB.
Bo Hardegree supposedly looked better then Ainge or Clausen at times in 2005.

I always wondered if that was just coachspeak or if Hardegree really was that close to Clausen/Ainge going into 2005.

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