Anybody Hear Pearl On Sportstalk?



VolNation's Grand Poobah
Staff member
Oct 22, 2003
I heard he told the current players that "he was getting his ass kicked on the recruiting trail".
So? Tennessee is an underachieving program who just underwent a coaching change with a guy who's just supposed to be some hot mid-major coach.
I'm not saying it's not true or that it is unexpected at this point. I just thought it was funny that he said it to the players.
hard to believe he would say that to his players tho... sure boosts the ol team morale... :bad: :bad: :bad:
I know yall are not giving up on Pearl already....give me a break he is probably working on his class for next season.
Originally posted by Vols4life@Apr 21, 2005 7:36 PM
I know yall are not giving up on Pearl already....give me a break he is probably working on his class for next season.

nope..just the "new members" ..,.everyone recently has had some comment like that.
LOL....You guys didn't hear the interview, so don't take it out of context. It was a very honest interview. This is a somewhat paraphrased version:

Q: Anybody else you pursuing?
A: There are a couple of possibilities. We might get a couple of kids. We are going to be patient, but I owe it to this year's team to put them in a position to be successful.

Q: Billy Smith said that you said in your first metting that you would release Tyler if he didn't want to come to UT.
A: I did say that. But after talking to my players, I learned that it was not in this team's interest or this university's interest. This team was counting on him. That was one factor, but the other factor was that his father was not interested in letting a relationship develop. I was not able to speak one-on-one with the son. The father had a different agenda.

Q: Are you going to continue to contact Tyler Smith?
A: We'll move on, but I will continue to contact him. Tyler has lost the most, so I am hopeful they will come to see that. I respect Billy Smith, but I don't think his decision is in his son's best interest.

Q; Was Tyler promised he would start, or anything like that, that you couldn't honor?
A:No, nothing like that was promised. He would play on our team and getting playing time.

Q: Would you have had a better chance if you kept Chuck Benson on your staff?
A: I don't think so. And whatever short-term loss there is, it is made up by the long-term gain of getting Scott Edgar. The transition times are always difficult. I wish the program were in a better state, but you've got to make decisions based on the long-term.

Q: Have you been able to build relationships with the current team?
A: Much better than building a relationship with the Smiths, don't you think? it is going well, but I told the current players I am getting my ass kicked out there on the road.

Q: Any drastic changes in the weight room?
A: I don't know because I wasn't here for the previous classes. Ask the players. I understand that the work-outs have become more challenging. We are playing more often, and we are keeping score to make the practice games more competitive.

Q: I heard you peeked in on your players in a classroom.
A: It makes a statement to them. I will take playing time away if they are not doing well in the classroom.

Q: What is the key to developing talent?
A: In our workouts, we do a good job of improving what are players do good at to something they can become great at. We work on strengths and not just weaknesses.

Q: What shape is the schedule in?
A: It needs some work. The only change in philosophy is that we are going to stay away from the bottom feeders. It doesn't do our team any good, it doesn't build your RPI, and your fans don't like it. We will bring some mid-majors teams in.

Q: how will you go about building relationships with high schools across the state?
A: I will try to do some coaching clinics across the state, but the main thing is showing that what we can do by how our teams play.

Q:Are you concerned about the lack of a post presence?
A: Yeah, I am concerned, but we won at UMW without any real post presence. We had a center who couldn't jump. I think Major Wingate will give us some presence. But we may spread things out a bit. We will put our players in a position where they can be successful.

Guys, Bruce Pearl has been here a month and came in under some difficult circumstances. I believe he should be cut some slack and given a fair chance to prove himself. The one real disappointement thus far, is losing Smith. He was in a very difficult situation with Gordon. He came in with only a few weeks to build a relationship with Gordon and his family. his family obviously had some reservations about Tennessee before the coaching change, so making the change only enhanced those reservations. the old staff hadn't even been able to convince his mother to visit the campus. he also had NO visits left with him when he came in.
So while losing Smith was disappointing and only makes Pearl's attempt of turning this thing around even harder, we need to give him a chance.
All i know is everyone is better than than Buzz. THey way he had our team playing just made me want to hit him in the face. Lets not forget that , okay guys. we were in no better postion with buzz. Really Buzz has showed his true side the past couple of weeks. So would you want HIM running the team?

Lets give this man a chance. He has been here form a month and your already claming its a bad hire. The man has done nothing wrong yet. You really cant recruit when you only have a month to prepare. Im sure tyler smith knows the campus better than Pearl does.
Q: I heard you peeked in on your players in a classroom.
A: It makes a statement to them. I will take playing time away if they are not doing well in the classroom.

I think that by Pearl telling his players in such a frank and open way is just one of the many signs that Pearl thinks of his players as family. I wish people would quit placing him under such microscrutiny and get behind him. He wears Orange now, He's blood. He doesn't need to be putting out fires everyday and worrying about the media and internet posters giving potential recruits any more reasons not to look at TN. The difficulties are great as they are and we don't need to add to them by Pearl bashing. Let's help him win. If we don't the Jucie's, the Leaks, and the Smith's of the world who want to wag the dog win..You go Pearly! most of us believe in you.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Apr 21, 2005 7:22 PM
I heard he told the current players that "he was getting his ass kicked on the recruiting trail".

go to if you wanna hear the deal. I think you mis-understood or someone gave you some bad info.

linkie 4 parts, listen to them all

This man is awesome. I'm getting tired of him being bashed after 4 weeks. Sounds like a bunch of wussyassed bammers.
Originally posted by BHAMVOLFAN+Apr 22, 2005 7:27 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (BHAMVOLFAN @ Apr 22, 2005 7:27 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-vol_freak@Apr 21, 2005 7:22 PM
I heard he told the current players that "he was getting his ass kicked on the recruiting trail".

go to if you wanna hear the deal. I think you mis-understood or someone gave you some bad info.

linkie 4 parts, listen to them all

This man is awesome. I&#39;m getting tired of him being bashed after 4 weeks. Sounds like a bunch of wussyassed bammers. [/quote]
Great link thanks. Everybody should listen to that....give me some hope.

Here is what he said at the beginning of part II.

Bruce you&#39;ve had a little bit of time to start to get to know and build relationships with the players that you inherit, how&#39;s that gone?

Its gone great. It&#39;s gone better than my relationship with Billy and Tyler don&#39;t you think? I couldn&#39;t have messed that up anymore than I already have, so. People said coach I came back into town, the guys said how&#39;s it going? I said fellas I&#39;m getting my ass whipped out there boys, I&#39;m telling ya.
Originally posted by vol_freak@Apr 22, 2005 10:01 PM
Its gone great. It&#39;s gone better than my relationship with Billy and Tyler don&#39;t you think? I couldn&#39;t have messed that up anymore than I already have, so. People said coach I came back into town, the guys said how&#39;s it going? I said fellas I&#39;m getting my ass whipped out there boys, I&#39;m telling ya.

That&#39;s just amazing to hear a coach say that. After hearing this and hearing him on Jim Rome a couple of weeks ago, I&#39;d say he&#39;s the straightest straight shooter I&#39;ve ever heard.
Great interview. I will have to say that the best comment out of everything was...

Q: I heard you peeked in on your players in a classroom.
A: It makes a statement to them. I will take playing time away if they are not doing well in the classroom.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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