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K-town Vol Fan

Blood Runneth Orange
Jan 2, 2005
We made Trev Alberts' list of top 5 most overrated teams for next season. He says because we have road games at Florida, LSU, and get this Alabama, "Tennessee has overrated written all over them."

He then goes on to say that Notre Dame is also overrated and may only win 5 games next season because they play us as well as a few other good teams.

Makes sense, doesn't it? :huh:

You can see the video here.
Originally posted by K-town Vol Fan@Jul 7, 2005 10:17 AM
We made Trev Alberts' list of top 5 most overrated teams for next season. He then goes on to say that Notre Dame is also overrated and may only win 5 games next season because they play us as well as a few other good teams.

Makes sense, doesn't it?  :huh:

He has always disliked Tennessee. Let him think that.
Not much about either list made sense to me.

I don't even know why you come out with something like this in early July. Nobody that means anything has even rated anybody.
Except Athlon. Their analasys is pretty good to me, although #2 is too high for us. But that's also like a pre-preseason ranking.

I'll repeat it. Alberts list was based off of overratedness in relation to expectations. Many expect Tennessee to go undefeated, but he pointed out we had injury problems last season and into the offseason, and a tough schedule. People expecting us to go undefeated under those conditions would, in fact, make us a bit overrated.

Although I think it wouldn't be too difficult to find five more overrated teams than us. And I'm really glad Miami and F$U made the list so now I can laugh at my friends.
I guess if people are expecting us to go 11-0, and we go 9-2, then yeah, we are overrated. Otherwise, it's just something else to get some fans riled up. It's basically message board fodder, which just about everything is at this point.

FYI, he also dogged UGA, ND, and Miami.
Just another of the talking heads at ESPN who have a grudge to grind with us.

We may not win the NC.

We may not win the SEC.

We may not even win the East. But we damned sure are set to be a top 5 team in the preseason. To say we are being overhyped is stupid.

But!!! We're coming off a convincing win over A&M, we've got almost all of our starters returning from a 10/3 season (losing to only two teams, mind you), and we just landed the top freshmen class in the nation.

Well heck, I'm beginning to see where he's coming from.

We suck!!
What an idiot. If he'd spend half as much time studying football as he does studying his hair, maybe he could avoid making such an arse of himself.

Trev: check the returning starters and their accolades, check the incoming class, check last season (save a loss to ND due to back-to-back freak QB injuries), and check the coaching staff's numbers!

We are stacked this season, just like OV stated. Overrated? No way. If we don't win. . .A LOT, then we've underachieved this time around.

Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 7, 2005 2:56 PM
What an idiot.  If he'd spend half as much time studying football as he does studying his hair, maybe he could avoid making such an arse of himself.

Trev:  check the returning starters and their accolades, check the incoming class, check last season (save a loss to ND due to back-to-back freak QB injuries), and check the coaching staff's numbers!

We are stacked this season, just like OV stated.  Overrated?  No way.  If we don't win. . .A LOT, then we've underachieved this time around.

But hey! He looks good at being stupid. Now where's my hair spray?
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 7, 2005 2:36 PM
Just another of the talking heads at ESPN who have a grudge to grind with us.


Just one man's opinion of UT.

I guess when an ESPN writer wrote UT had the best Gameday experience you didn't see it -

I guess when ESPN wrote this about UT after our Spring Game, they were bashing us
Rick Clausen is an excellent leader and turned in a commendable performance at the end of last year. But barring injury or utterly awful play, Ainge will be the Vols' starter in 2005. The sophomore has all the intangibles and showed no ill effects from the shoulder injury that knocked him out of last season. In fact, he's bigger and faster. ... Three young players who caused a lot of chatter this spring: G Ramon Foster, WR Josh Briscoe and nickel back/return man Inky Johnson. ... Even after ankle surgery and yet another ACL injury, hard-luck Kevin Simon looks better than ever as he heads into his senior season for the second time. Simon is in the middle of what is a ridiculously stacked defensive front seven. If you don't know Jesse Mahelona's name, you will soon. The reserves, though, are what have the UT staff so excited. It looks as though LB Daniel Brooks finally gets it, and DT Demonte Bolden and LB Ryan Karl had monster springs.

I could fine more if I really searched hard.

You continue to mock ESPN for several people which is absurd. Like someone bashing UT fans off of one or two idiots claiming things like Alabama fans are doing now.

Two of the four college football analysts had us 4th in the preseason polls as well; the other two had us top ten.

I can't wait for more of this "ESPN grudge against UT" crap come college football season... These things make no sense. ESPN does what's best for ESPN and that's it.
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 7, 2005 3:59 PM

Just one man's opinion of UT.

I guess when an ESPN writer wrote UT had the best Gameday experience you didn't see it -

I guess when ESPN wrote this about UT after our Spring Game, they were bashing us  -

I could fine more if I really searched hard.

You continue to mock ESPN for several people which is absurd. Like someone bashing UT fans off of one or two idiots claiming things like Alabama fans are doing now.

Their gameday piece follows a number of other outlets who have named us number one in that category, so that's not earth shattering.

And bragging on Rick after the Cotton Bowl is also not exactly ground breaking news either.

If you watch them closely you'll see that the VAST majority of their pieces on us are negative.

I've offered up many in the past. You've offered 2.

Find about 10 more and I'll consider. Until then, I'm of the opinion that a 12/2 ratio of negative to positive doesn't exactly demand that we dance at their wedding.

I've also never said that ALL of their guys hate us, but I do maintain that the maority do, and that's both print and TV.

And based on the Poll I ran some time back, YOU are in the minority of UT fans who feel that way, not me.

So it's not ONE man's opinion.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 7, 2005 4:15 PM

If you watch them closely you'll see that the VAST majority of their pieces on us are negative.

When you have the amount of arrests that UT has had, you should expect it.

I've offered up many in the past. You've offered 2.

Where? Milo brought up more evidence that ESPN has nothing against us.

Your Peyton argument makes no sense whatsoever outside of being mad that some people didn't think Peyton deserved it.
BTW, what other "10" are you talking about?

Are you really going to somehow say that the amount of arrests we have had isn't news?

ESPN had news on USC's player hitting another player and even ANOTHER article on USC losing their OL

ESPN had several articles about South Carolina and all of their arrests

Have you not seen the numerous UGA losing recruit articles?

I mean, should we make it against the law to post anything negative on the Internet or on ESPN about UT?
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 7, 2005 4:25 PM
BTW, what other "10" are you talking about?

Are you really going to somehow say that the amount of arrests we have had isn't news?

ESPN had news on USC's player hitting another player and even ANOTHER article on USC losing their OL

ESPN had several articles about South Carolina and all of their arrests

Have you not seen the numerous UGA losing recruit articles?

I mean, should we make it against the law to post anything negative on the Internet or on ESPN about UT?

Lets talk a few facts.

After being granted full access to our program they present the Lisa Bensel Myers story that fell flat.

They rehashed it over and over even after we were cleared they continued to point to it as evidence.

I've posted numerous negative stories that had nothing to do with our off-field problems.

But even after our off-field problems are old news, they continue to link stories to months old accounts.

The pig spot might not have dissed you, but fortunately Coach Fulmer, the governor and others in the state spoke their feelings against it.

And yes, the Peyton issue isn't going to go away just because you'd like folks to quit using it against ESPN.

There are many others, these are just off the top of my head.

I'm still waiting for your other positive stories.
yeah, this was very upsetting to me when I saw it. Just to be said as an overrated team along with ND, and then when they have the underratted list, and put BAMA and Penn State on there.... :wacko: :rolleyes: :blink:
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 7, 2005 4:35 PM
After being granted full access to our program they present the Lisa Bensel Myers story that fell flat.

ESPN also had stories about South Carolina's investigation the last three years. Also did a story on Jim Donnan possibly cheating during his last year at UGA. Donnan's story came up with nothing and South Carolina's is still hanging in the balance.

What about ESPN's stories on OSU when nothing came out?

When someone says a major school cheats, it is major news.

I've posted numerous negative stories that had nothing to do with our off-field problems.

Where? I am not saying they don't exist but am very interested in seeing what I guess I missed.

As for the Manning/Heisman debate, it is gone. It is done. The only people constantly bringing it up are you and others that feel that continually bringing it up will somehow give him justice.

Even Peyton is over it, maybe you should be too.
Originally posted by TennesseeVols317@Jul 7, 2005 2:41 PM
yeah, this was very upsetting to me when I saw it.  Just to be said as an overrated team along with ND, and then when they have the underratted list, and put BAMA and Penn State on there.... :wacko:  :rolleyes:  :blink:

That list was teams that are supposedt to vastly improve.
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 7, 2005 4:43 PM
ESPN also had stories about South Carolina's investigation the last three years. Also did a story on Jim Donnan possibly cheating during his last year at UGA. Donnan's story came up with nothing and South Carolina's is still hanging in the balance.

What about ESPN's stories on OSU when nothing came out?

When someone says a major school cheats, it is major news.
Where? I am not saying they don't exist but am very interested in seeing what I guess I missed.

As for the Manning/Heisman debate, it is gone. It is done. The only people constantly bringing it up are you and others that feel that continually bringing it up will somehow give him justice.

Even Peyton is over it, maybe you should be too.

For one thing, I think it serves no purpose to advise people to 'get over it'.

If something still bothers you, vent; that's what public forums are for.

What put me over the hump in believing they were highly biased against us is how their website continues to evoke the academic fraud story as if anything were actually proven.

They broke the story.

They were proven to be completely in the wrong.

They never recanted.

They never apologized for the harm they did.

And yet to this day, they still bring it up on the air, and in stories as if they somehow broke a legitimate story.

When journalists get it wrong, they have a responsibility and a duty to recant, and make it right. They have not and even still embelish the story.

Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 7, 2005 4:56 PM
For one thing, I think it serves no purpose to advise people to 'get over it'.

If something still bothers you, vent; that's what public forums are for.

I would agree.....until its 5 years later.

As for the rest, ESPN does the rest with any other school that has had our problems. Its been proven over and over again with what they put out.
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 7, 2005 5:13 PM
Everytime I argue with a fellow UT fan, I can't help but notice this picture in my mind

And BTW, I have two cousins with Cystic Fibrosis so please don't accuse me of being insensitive. It's a joke

The little fellow favors my younger brother. He's 47 years old and has been the light of our family. He's the life of every family get together.

As far as I'm concerned, when you label someone as retarded, you're paying them a huge compliment. Those with Downe's Syndrome are the most precious amongst us.
Old, I wasn't calling YOU retarded but me as well arguing on the Internet
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 7, 2005 5:24 PM
Old, I wasn't calling YOU retarded but me as well arguing on the Internet

Well, as I said, having spent most of my life with my only brother having Downe's Syndrome, you couldn't have paid me a greater compliment.

He's the greatest person I know.

If it weren't for arguing, why would we be here? :p

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