Anyone catch Sportcenter?

Originally posted by duckman398686@Jul 7, 2005 5:33 PM
man ut....i never thought u stoop as low to make fun of the mentally challenged :huh:

Never did make fun of the mentally challenged. Should try reading what I put below.

I am one of the least sensitive people on this earth. I don't consider posting that picture as offensive to anyone, including my own family which has had to deal with something so severe.
Also making the Trev's overrated list is Oklahoma and Miami. To be an "expert" on college football he has forgot how much talent those two schools have accumulated the past few years. The cupboard is nowhere close to being bare. Besides, who in the Big 12 is going to challenge OU? Texas? When's the last time Texas beat OU. That RB they have is a stud. OU will probably win 11 or 12 games and the Big 12. Overrated would be saying UT is a lock for the NC game. I think they are rated just about where they need to be. A consensus top 5 with the talent that is returning. So Trev stick that in your ESPN pipe and smoke it. :devilsmoke:
Did anyone catch SportsCenter tonight? They said that Riggs was a sleeper for the Heisman.....Trev needs to think before he speaks
Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Jul 7, 2005 7:20 PM
Did anyone catch SportsCenter tonight?  They said that Riggs was a sleeper for the Heisman.....Trev needs to think before he speaks

Overrated teams don't usually produce many Heisman winners.

Albert's another reason Howard Cosell was right about the Jockocrasy.

Originally posted by #10_Ainge_#10@Jul 7, 2005 7:20 PM
Did anyone catch SportsCenter tonight?  They said that Riggs was a sleeper for the Heisman.....Trev needs to think before he speaks

What? More positive ESPN publicity? Never!
I have made up my mind that sportswriters will write anything that will generate a buzz, whether they really believe it or not.
Yeah, yeah. . . . but read the fine print. To wrap up my morning workout on a good note, I have to hear Ms. Alberts mention Riggs as a "top 5" candidate, with over 1,100 yards last year as a backup, and that he should have plenty of opportunities this year. "BUT WHO KNOWS WITH THE PLAY CALLING DOWN IN KNOXVILLE?"

Even the Sportcenter host (forget who it was) noticed: "Trev, really on a roll. . ." (after the "overrating" mention, too, I'm sure).

Thanks for the comment, girlfriend. Just keep on knocking the coaching staff with a winning percentage atop the nation over the past 10 years.
Originally posted by LadyinOrange@Jul 7, 2005 8:16 PM
I have made up my mind that sportswriters will write anything that will generate a buzz, whether they really believe it or not.

There's a real problem with that sort of cheap journalism though.

I mean, look at this situation for proof. If you always say what you believe, even if you're wrong, you can always look credible.

When you start talking all over the board just to get attention, you can never remember which lie you told when and you end up making a fool of yourself like Albert did here.

Stick with your instincts and you'll always come out alright. You may not be right every time, but you'll at least look credible.
Old, do you really think ESPN has it out for UT while CBSSportsline, Fox, and others report the same stuff?
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 8, 2005 2:15 PM
Old, do you really think ESPN has it out for UT while CBSSportsline, Fox, and others report the same stuff?

As far as I know ESPN has said negative things about us for a while. Just because it's one person saying this doesn't mean anything. This is a position they are putting out there on NATIONAL tv. It doesnt really matter if the camera operator is pulling for us does it? This is what they are putting out there and it is negative not positive. I honestly cannot remember a positive thing that ESPN has said about. Those of you who don't realize this are giving ESPN way too much credit.
Originally posted by VOLINATOR@Jul 8, 2005 2:17 PM
I honestly cannot remember a positive thing that ESPN has said about.

We have posted numerous things....not just in this thread but in the previous one as well.
Originally posted by VOLINATOR@Jul 8, 2005 12:17 PM
As far as I know ESPN has said negative things about us for a while. Just because it's one person saying this doesn't mean anything. This is a position they are putting out there on NATIONAL tv. It doesnt really matter if the camera operator is pulling for us does it? This is what they are putting out there and it is negative not positive. I honestly cannot remember a positive thing that ESPN has said about. Those of you who don't realize this are giving ESPN way too much credit.

ESPN rated us #4
Trev Alberts put Riggs on his Heisman watch

Those are two things. Also, take a look at's college football main page. There is negative publicity for LSU, FSU, Bama, Georgia and more. No Tennessee on there except an old Forde article
Originally posted by U-T@Jul 8, 2005 1:15 PM
Old, do you really think ESPN has it out for UT while CBSSportsline, Fox, and others report the same stuff?

I dont' see why that's so hard to understand.

We really made them look like fools with the academic fraud non-story.

They kept pushing it until they were in the same situation as CBS with the Dan Rather fiasco. Now look where Rather is. I respect CBS for dealing with it and moving on. ESPN didn't have the character to do that and it continues to fester. How hard is that to accept. It's really very transparent. Not all of their people carry the grudge, but their web people certainly do and too many of their pretty faces do too.

Once again, where does ESPN benefit from running negative stores on Tennessee? If you show me conclusive evidence of a substantial monetary gain on ESPN's part due to negative publicity about the University of Tennessee, then I will believe you.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 8, 2005 2:51 PM
ESPN rated us #4
Trev Alberts put Riggs on his Heisman watch

Those are two things. Also, take a look at's college football main page. There is negative publicity for LSU, FSU, Bama, Georgia and more. No Tennessee on there except an old Forde article

Gah, I think ESPN's style sucks too... They are more worried about creating a buzz, but I just don't see any sense in believing that the media is out to get you.
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 8, 2005 2:56 PM
Once again, where does ESPN benefit from running negative stores on Tennessee? If you show me conclusive evidence of a substantial monetary gain on ESPN's part due to negative publicity about the University of Tennessee, then I will believe you.

Where is it written that the only reason a thing can be done is for monetary gain. That's really a poor argument.

You can't draw in the parameters of a debate like that. You can't even get a 'nice try' with that. Poor tactic.
Originally posted by OldVol@Jul 8, 2005 1:06 PM
Where is it written that the only reason a thing can be done is for monetary gain. That's really a poor argument.

You can't draw in the parameters of a debate like that. You can't even get a 'nice try' with that. Poor tactic.

Business 101

ESPN is a business. They earn money from advertisers who pays ESPN more the more people watch.

Now, the viewership benefits of badmouthing Tennessee would probably be nill; It would be bad for ESPN, in fact. What minimal gains that could ever concievably be made by badmouthing Tennessee would be made worse by the lost viewership in the eastern half of the whole state.

This task would require ESPN's writers to dig up negative stories about UT, and since I find it highly improbable that the majority of ESPN's writers have a natural inclination against UT, this would require some good change for motivation to do this.

So, what we're left with is ESPN paying their writers to do something which will essentially lower ratings.


Every single big program that has something negative to write about will be put under the microscope by ESPN and all other major sports media outlets. Tennessee is no exception. We have had off-the-field problems as of late, so we are hearing about them from ESPN among many others.

Next time any of you look at ESPN, try and look at their page as whole instead of purposely trying to keep an eye out for info on the Vols; I guarantee that if you believe ESPN is out to get the Vols before, you will see them in a new light.

This whole debate is ludicrous.
Oh YEAH? Well MY dad can beat up YOUR dad!!!!

(Come on guys -- this is starting to sound like a Bammer message board. Sure there's some bad blood between ESPN and UT - [see "Gameday" incidents, et. al.], but nobody is "out to get us." We're a top-tier program with a chance to run at the NC this year, and we've had a few ups and downs during the offseason. When you are IN THE SPOTLIGHT, you are IN THE SPOTLIGHT.

And I don't really mind it. Look, in advertising, there is no such thing as "bad publicity." The more your name gets tossed around, the more it will be in the minds of the voters come polling day, Heistman day, etc. If we are going to be in the hunt for real this year, we've got to become a little bit tougher-skinned.)

Originally posted by kiddiedoc@Jul 8, 2005 4:55 PM
Come on guys -- this is starting to sound like a Bammer message board. 

:blink: :huh: :eek: A bammer message board? NEVER! I will be waiting for your can PM it to me.. ;)

I agree about the publicity. The fact of the matter is that we will have a good team this year and some don't like that fact. All Tennessee has to do is go play their hearts out, win some games and prove people wrong. I think that ole Trev will be man enough to admit that he was wrong if we can force him to do it...
Originally posted by milohimself@Jul 8, 2005 3:28 PM
Business 101

ESPN is a business. They earn money from advertisers who pays ESPN more the more people watch.

Now, the viewership benefits of badmouthing Tennessee would probably be nill; It would be bad for ESPN, in fact. What minimal gains that could ever concievably be made by badmouthing Tennessee would be made worse by the lost viewership in the eastern half of the whole state.

This task would require ESPN's writers to dig up negative stories about UT, and since I find it highly improbable that the majority of ESPN's writers have a natural inclination against UT, this would require some good change for motivation to do this.

So, what we're left with is ESPN paying their writers to do something which will essentially lower ratings.


Every single big program that has something negative to write about will be put under the microscope by ESPN and all other major sports media outlets. Tennessee is no exception. We have had off-the-field problems as of late, so we are hearing about them from ESPN among many others.

Next time any of you look at ESPN, try and look at their page as whole instead of purposely trying to keep an eye out for info on the Vols; I guarantee that if you believe ESPN is out to get the Vols before, you will see them in a new light.

This whole debate is ludicrous.

Saying a thing over and over and saying it with more words doesn't makt it so.

I'm done with this argument. I'll never change my mind when its based on what I see, not what someone wants me to see.

I'm through arguing with Vol fans about the obvious.

This doesn't mean I'll quit deriding ESPN when it is merited.
It is often merited.

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