Anyone else ever experienced



The Sultan Of Swat
Nov 29, 2011
Other fans of the SEC or other conferences pronounce our name as The Voles? I heard it the other day from a georgia fan, that crap drives me crazy. IT'S VOLS, V-O-L-S.
Didn't Donny Knoxville say that in his new hire PC? Maybe it was Butch. Somebody did it.
This is a vole..


Probably the same type of people who don't say O'possum.
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They actually said VOLES a couple of times in the broadcast of the game.
When since it's actually Volunteers maybe we should used the correct term more often. :hi:
In memphis the 1st year, celebration of signing day someone on the coaching staff said it wrong, it wasn't Butch or Kesling(Voice of the VOLS), but neither corrected it either. Whoever it was got a pass. I do pronounce the o as an a VOLS rhyme with all as in: I am ,all VOL! The English language is a heck of a drug!
My grandmother, who passed in May at the age of 91 and was a Big Tennessee fan, called us The Voles. I'm hoping we have a great season for her!

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I've never heard it. I have heard some say tomatoes instead of tomatoes. Some will get it.:)
Other fans of the SEC or other conferences pronounce our name as The Voles? I heard it the other day from a georgia fan, that crap drives me crazy. IT'S VOLS, V-O-L-S.

I've had several people in Georgia say it that way.
This is a vole..


Probably the same type of people who don't say O'possum.

Who says o'possum other than English teachers? Hell, I even got a red line under o'possum when I typed it in this post because the VN spell checker didn't even recognize that spelling as a real word. :crazy:
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Who says o'possum other than English teachers? Hell, I even got a red line under o'possum when I typed it in this post because the VN spell checker didn't even recognize that spelling as a real word. :crazy:

Maybe because there's no apostrophe in opossum?

I didn't know this until I looked it up but they are actually two different groups of animals. True possums are found in and around Australia. Opossums are found here on this continent, although in common usage the terms are used interchangeably.

But back to the original question, I had a colleague who calls the Vols the Voles. I always attributed it to the fact that he was a yankee.
Maybe because there's no apostrophe in opossum?

I didn't know this until I looked it up but they are actually two different groups of animals. True possums are found in and around Australia. Opossums are found here on this continent, although in common usage the terms are used interchangeably.

But back to the original question, I had a colleague who calls the Vols the Voles. I always attributed it to the fact that he was a yankee.

I've always meant the Aussie version.... Yeah, yeah, the Aussie version.

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