Anyone else notice ESPN downplaying Michigan State murders…



Junior Member
Jan 25, 2005
outside noting Izzo speaking at vigil and wearing special jerseys today?

Reckon it’s less of a story minus the killer being white.
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It was mentioned plenty, and given appropriate attention. It was horrific. Stop grasping at straws trying to make it somehow political or racial.

Seriously,the entire Michigan/Michigan St. game tonight,they brought it up. It was awful what happened. I thought it was classy how they handled it. No need to create more division with politics.
What happened at Mich St?
Imagine in today's world with media coverage, social media, and technology being what they are, 3 people are murdered in cold blood on a college campus and you don't even hear about it. That's how bad things have gotten with these shootings. They are happening so often we are being desensitized to them. Instead of making changes or doing something to curb mass shootings, they want this to be the new normal.
Imagine in today's world with media coverage, social media, and technology being what they are, 3 people are murdered in cold blood on a college campus and you don't even hear about it. That's how bad things have gotten with these shootings. They are happening so often we are being desensitized to them. Instead of making changes or doing something to curb mass shootings, they want this to be the new normal.
Another guy gone crazy with an assault weapon?
Imagine in today's world with media coverage, social media, and technology being what they are, 3 people are murdered in cold blood on a college campus and you don't even hear about it. That's how bad things have gotten with these shootings. They are happening so often we are being desensitized to them. Instead of making changes or doing something to curb mass shootings, they want this to be the new normal.
Ugh? If you didn't hear about them that's on you. This was on every major news network for days.
outside noting Izzo speaking at vigil and wearing special jerseys today?

Reckon it’s less of a story minus the killer being white.
Pretty sad troll attempt. Can’t you do better than that? Pretty impressive. You got one like from one member of the tinfoil hat brigade.
That’s the spirit. I bet you wouldn’t say **** like this to the faces of the parents of the students that were killed by this lunatic. Just a coward on a message board…

Hopefully the parents of the students wouldn’t be dumb enough to make such a big deal out of having 50 rounds. His weaponry isn’t the issue, the man himself is the issue. What drove him to do this?
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Seriously,the entire Michigan/Michigan St. game tonight,they brought it up. It was awful what happened. I thought it was classy how they handled it. No need to create more division with politics.

The game was on Fox, not ESPN.

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