Anyone else notice ESPN downplaying Michigan State murders…

The game was on Fox, not ESPN.

Yeah, it was on Fox. I was just bringing up the fact that what happened was covered,and it wasn't downplayed at all,and his race was irrelevant. It was a tragedy all the same. The media can tend to run with stories that fit some kind of narrative,but this wasn't one of those.
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It was mentioned plenty, and given appropriate attention. It was horrific. Stop grasping at straws trying to make it somehow political or racial.

Not that I am exactly a Biden fan, but if the guy cured cancer, or made everyone a millionaire, they'd find fault with that too. See, the Biden Bawling Babblers here are behaving exactly like their Republiars in Congress. That is, being saw-scaled vipers hiding under rocks to strike anyone whoever walks by. Instead of truly focusing on the nation's needs. I photographed one of them prepping to strike:
Imagine in today's world with media coverage, social media, and technology being what they are, 3 people are murdered in cold blood on a college campus and you don't even hear about it. That's how bad things have gotten with these shootings. They are happening so often we are being desensitized to them. Instead of making changes or doing something to curb mass shootings, they want this to be the new normal.

None of that is true. If it were, we would have a high homicide rate as a nation. The sad truth is there’s great variance in homicide rates state to state, and that demographics are a greater predictor of homicide rates than any of single factor (gun laws, poverty, etc).

It’s unfortunate and I don’t know the answer to it, but the problem is clearly not guns.

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