Let me just say I find this whole Mike Vick/Atlanta Falcon/Poor tortured to death dog saga to be one of the most sensational ever, so forgive me if my post is long. You don’t need to read it mind you.
Dude, totally! It would be awesome to see a Pac 10 alum sweep in and surprise everyone as the comeback player of the year. I think Joey could have a big year based on his continual underachievement and desire to prove his potential, is much more than just potential. One could easily argue he would have done much better last year in Miami had he had even a shadow of an offense to support him. What a bad situation to be put in. On the flipside of this whole saga I was pleased to see the commissioners press conference today. He stepped in like the federal government would in a dispute with a politician. This was not going to be handled by the local cops (Blank) no, this was serious enough for the president (Goodell) to get involved. If Blank had suspended him the case would have gone to arbitration, and Vick would have been on the field in another week. I am however, somewhat miffed by the comments from Blank. While he was prepared to institute the maximum four game penalty, he almost seemed to somehow empathize with Vick. Wow! That was unexpected! In any event I admire Blank, and I wont hold this against the poor guy. He’s been through enough, what with the trauma of this whole thing. Nice to hear he still has that little NY twang in his voice. Classy guy, screwed by a not so classy guy.