Anyone noticed gas prices lately?

I bought gas today for $2.52. I think the storm dying this week will drop it a little more too.
I bought gas today for $2.52. I think the storm dying this week will drop it a little more too.

That's cheap down in southern VA. I wouldn't be surprised down the lower end of I-81 near Wytheville that it's around the same price ($2.50 - $2.60) I bought it for $2.77 around mid August. In northern VA the cheapest is around $2.65-$2.75. Some are still in the 2.80's and 2.90's.
I was actually up north when I bought it, in Front Royal. It's running $2.61 down the street here.
Average gas around Portland is $2.90/gal regular.

Also have to include the fact that there is no self-service in the state.
I told you a while back that the closer we get to mid term elections, the price of gas is going to go down.

It's tough when a nonexistent issue gets taken away isn't it?
You know it's true.

It is merely coincidence. I'd look to a less turbulent hurricane season than predicted, increased stocks due to oil speculators driving futures prices up, the seasonal change in governmental regulations that increase the cost and complexity of refining during summer months, increases in oil production (loosening supply) and decreasing demand as the summer driving season closes.

Or you could ignore all this and conclude it is a republican conspiracy...
It still won't be enough to save the Republicans. You all have pretty much have nothing to run on.

It's just going to be another campaign of scare tactics. I'm thinking more gay marriage (or they might up it and make it gay adoption) and terror terror terror..
I actually think James Carville had it right a couple of days ago when he said that if the Democrats couldn't win in this environment, it's time to re-evaluate the whole party.
I actually think James Carville had it right a couple of days ago when he said that if the Democrats couldn't win in this environment, it's time to re-evaluate the whole party.

If the Democrats can't do something, I'm switching parties..
It still won't be enough to save the Republicans. You all have pretty much have nothing to run on.

It's just going to be another campaign of scare tactics. I'm thinking more gay marriage (or they might up it and make it gay adoption) and terror terror terror..

Have you seen any of the Harold Ford, Jr. commercials???
If the Democrats can't do something, I'm switching parties..

Come on over. We'll welcome you with our cold, discompasionate embrace. We might even let you in one of the country clubs secretly funded by the taxes of the working class :angel:
If the Democrats can't do something, I'm switching parties..

The thing is though . . . Things just aren't that bad, and the Democrats have seem to be banking on being the party to turn to when things suck. Despite the current tide against the GOP, I just wonder how many people - aside from the anti-war crowd - really feel sincerely energized to make a change.
Have you seen any of the Harold Ford, Jr. commercials???

Yes and I roll my eyes just like I do when the Republicans do it. In my opinion, it's definitely not the way to go, but when you see the Republicans do it and how many votes they got for it, you can't blame him.
Yes and I roll my eyes just like I do when the Republicans do it. In my opinion, it's definitely not the way to go, but when you see the Republicans do it and how many votes they got for it, you can't blame him.

You're not seriously suggesting that democrats just now learned this technique are you :blink:
Average gas around Portland is $2.90/gal regular.

Also have to include the fact that there is no self-service in the state.

I dunno that I've ever seen a gas station where you can't pump your own gas.

It was down to $2.59 (cheap stuff) on Tuesday... down from around $2.90 a couple weeks ago.
Considering that the same factors that drove gas prices up are still present but now prices are going down? Hmmmm. Inventories are the same, demand is the same, world conditions are the same, etc. etc. But yet gas prices are dropping fast.
I dunno that I've ever seen a gas station where you can't pump your own gas.

It was down to $2.59 (cheap stuff) on Tuesday... down from around $2.90 a couple weeks ago.

head out to oregon and you never eve have to get out of the car - and if you do you better not go near that pump or the soon to be Wal Mart greeter might beat you into a pulp.

VN Store
