Week long treks are always nice but they do squat to prepare you. If you use the year to prepare yourself mentally, train your endurance, and build your muscle (and fat if you're skinny) then you can definitely do it. I've worked with a handful of people over the years who have done the AT, PCT or CDT. Hell I know a couple (now married) that met on the trail. Even met a guy who yoyo'd the AT one year (south to north then north to south). From all accounts its a great experience but it can be hell if you dont know what to expect. There is a reason so many drop, but there is also a reason why the number of thru hikers keeps rising-besides films like Wild & A Walk In the Woods. All thru hikers that Ive talked to have said the same thing; invest in boots and your gear above all else because they've seen 1st hand many strong hikers bow out due to failing boots or bad gear. Ive also talked to some old time trail dogs and they all tell me the AT keeps getting easier every year. More stores, shelter and drop points along the way. Then there are advancements in gear, technology and better trail maintenance than in previous years that also ease the load. So long as you are prepared mentally and have the right gear, the AT is yours if you want it. Good luck dude. :good!: